Bhaag Milkha Bhaag is a biographical sports drama film based on the life of Milkha Singh, a legendary Indian runner. The movie follows Milkha's journey from his childhood in rural Punjab to his rise as a world-class sprinter. Along the way, Milkha faces numerous challenges and obstacles, including the trauma of witnessing the partition of India, the loss of his parents, and his time in a refugee camp. Despite these hardships, Milkha's determination and passion for running lead him to become a national hero, competing in the 1956 Melbourne Summer Olympics, the 1960 Rome Olympics, and the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
The story of American track sprinter Wilma Rudolph, who overcame physical handicaps to win three gold medals in the 1960 Olympics.
Running the streets of Rome in 1960, an unknown, barefooted Ethiopian man stunned the world by winning Olympic gold in the marathon. Overnight, Abebe Bikila became a sports legend. A hero in his own country and to the continent, Bikila was the first African to win a gold medal, and four years later in Tokyo would become the first person in history to win consecutive Olympic gold medals in the marathon.
It is New Zealand 1959. Teen swimmer Alex Archer has to battle set backs, intense rivalry and personal tragedy in her bid to win selection for the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome.
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