Three Comrades is a melodrama set in Germany during the Weimar Republic. The story follows three friends, Robert, Otto, and Gottfried, as they navigate the challenges of post-war Germany. The friends, who are all war veterans, struggle with poverty, disillusionment, and the rise of Nazism. They find solace and support in their friendship and in their relationships with a bedridden woman named Pat and her pianist sister, Celia. As the political climate becomes more unstable, their loyalty to one another and their desire for a better future are put to the test.
Shemp is a sick man with a bad case of nerves. The stooge's friend Claude, a self-taught healer, tries to cure Shemp with various home- made remedies. When nothing seems to work, Claude suggests they buy his old lemon of a car so they can take Shemp on a trip to the country. The car won't start, and the trip never gets off the ground, but not to worry, Shemp is cured by all the excitement.
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