In the year 1614, during the Edo period in Japan, the Kouga and Iga ninja clans are locked in a bitter and violent struggle. Both clans possess supernatural powers and are determined to annihilate each other. Amidst this chaos, the tragic love story of Gennosuke of Kouga and Oboro of Iga unfolds. As the war escalates, their forbidden love becomes a symbol of hope and peace, but it also becomes a target for those seeking to exploit it for their own gains. Basilisk is an action-packed and emotional tale of love, loyalty, and the high cost of war.
Broadcast TV drama NHK broadcast on January 4 to December 13, 1987 (Showa 62). In the questionnaire survey conducted by NHK, it is shining in the most favorite river drama. The original is Yamaka Sosaichi's novel "Date Masamune", the biggest drama on the theme of the Date house was the first time in 17 years since the "Shinnogi remained" (1970), which painted Datejo in the Edo period. It depicts the life of Matsudo Date of Sengoku warrior · Date Masamune who built the foundation of Sendai clan 620,000 stones in his generation as a result of my own wisdom and talent.
In 17th-century Virginia, an explorer captures a native American princess, leading to a battle between the native Americans and the colonists. Meanwhile, an epic love story unfolds between the explorer and the princess amidst the backdrop of colonialism and interracial romance.
In 17th-century Japan, a young samurai named Miyamoto Musashi engages in a series of sword duels to protect his love interest from a powerful enemy. Along the way, he must confront his own inner demons and master the art of sword fighting.
In feudal Japan, two powerful ninja clans, the Koga and the Iga, are locked in a bitter war. Amidst this conflict, a forbidden love blossoms between Gennosuke of the Koga and Oboro of the Iga. As their love grows, they find themselves caught in the middle of a deadly shadow war that could tear them apart forever.
1612: Chronicles of the Dark Time takes place in 17th-century Russia, during a time of war and chaos. The movie follows the story of the siege of Moscow and the bravery of a young girl spy. Based on a true story, it showcases the brutality, conflict, and uncertainty of the period, as well as the bravery and resilience of the Russian people.
In 17th-century England, a young nun is falsely accused of a heinous crime and is imprisoned in a convent. As she battles the horrors within, she becomes possessed and unleashes a malevolent force upon the nuns.
Monsieur Vincent tells the story of St. Vincent de Paul, the devoted shepherd who transforms the lives of the poor and marginalized. Through his acts of compassion and dedication, he overcomes numerous challenges and leaves a profound impact on society.
In the year 1610, in the Kingdom of Hungary, the young Countess Elizabeth Bathory is haunted by supernatural powers. As paranoia and murder ensue, she becomes known as the Blood Countess, infamous for her brutal and violent acts. This psychotronic film portrays the gore, decapitation, and blood bath that surrounded the Countess.
Captain Blood tells the story of Peter Blood, a nobleman who is wrongly accused of treason and sold into slavery. He escapes and becomes a notorious pirate, seeking revenge against those who wronged him.
The Deluge is a thrilling historical adventure set in the 17th century. It follows the story of a grand duke and his journey through war, romance, and betrayal. The movie showcases sword fights on horseback, political intrigue, and the struggles of the characters as they navigate through the tumultuous times of the 1600s.
Squanto, a Native American warrior, is captured by English settlers and taken to England. After escaping, he returns to his native land and must navigate between the English settlers and his own people, struggling to find peace and understanding.
In Night of the Werewolf, a young student stumbles upon the tomb of Elizabeth Bathory, a 17th-century lesbian witch who was cursed to become a werewolf. As she explores the castle, she unwittingly awakens the dormant evil, and soon finds herself targeted by the supernatural creature. With the help of a grave robber and a group of vampire hunters, she must find a way to break the curse before it consumes her.
This short film realistically portrays the conflict Henry Hudson experienced when he went in search of an open water route to the Orient, and no one would follow him. What he discovered instead was an inland sea, a discovery that ended in tragedy.
The Defenestration of Prague, which took place on May 23, 1618, was the decisive historical moment that unleashed the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) between several Catholic and Protestant states and changed the course of European history forever. (Additionally released as a heavely edited historical documentary entitled The Defenestration of Prague, 85 min.)
Set at the backdrop of the colonization of pre-Hispanic Philippine, this historical epic revovles around the story of Ramir, a half-caste warrior falls in love with Princess Mahalina. Ramir has to reckon with another brave native, Kiram.
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