The Decameron is a comedic anthology film that takes place in the 14th-century. It explores various humorous and erotic stories, including themes of adultery, sexuality, and forbidden love. The film combines elements of comedy, drama, and romance.
Taken from Boccaccio's Decameron, this lovely puppet film tells the bawdy story of the beautiful young Venetian lady who confesses her sinful passion for the Archangel Gabriel to a lustful monk, who promptly impersonates him in her bedroom with predictable results. Amidst the film's ribaldry, the hypocrisy and false piety of the monk are mercilessly mocked.
Láska zlatnice Leonetty is a comedy movie based on a short story from Italian literature. Set in the 14th century, it humorously depicts the story of Leonetta, a golden-haired beauty, and her misadventures in love. The film offers a humorous take on Italian humoristic literature and showcases the charm of European literature on screen.
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