Sindbad the Sailor is a popular character from the collection of Middle Eastern folk tales known as One Thousand and One Nights. This TV show follows the thrilling adventures of Sindbad as he sails the seas, encounters magical creatures, and overcomes various challenges.
Shahrazad travels through desert searching for the man she loves and who she believes she has lost forever. She arrives at a castle, the home of a prince who kills anyone who dares enter. She convinces the prince to grant her one night to tell him a story, their story, a story that lasts one thousand and one nights...
Arabian Nights (1974) is a provocative and explicit film that delves into the sensuality and sexual escapades found in the classic tales from One Thousand and One Nights. The movie explores themes of sexual promiscuity, loss of virginity, and human transformation. It features explicit sexual content, including close-up shots of genitalia and scenes depicting sexual acts. Additionally, the film includes scenes of violence, such as beheadings and castrations, as well as animal cruelty.
Ali Baba, a clever woodcutter, discovers a secret cave filled with treasure belonging to a band of thieves. With the help of his loyal slave, Morgiana, Ali Baba must outwit the treacherous thieves while navigating a harem, a palace, and the bustling markets of Morocco.
When a female protagonist falls off a boat and mysteriously finds herself in the era of Arabian mythology, she embarks on a thrilling journey filled with magic, time travel, and encounters with enchanting characters. Along the way, she must navigate treacherous situations and face challenges to protect her loved ones and unravel the secrets of the ancient tales of '1001 Nights.'
Arabian Nights: Volume 1, The Restless One is a drama film that takes place in Portugal during the economic crisis. It is inspired by the story of Scheherazade from One Thousand and One Nights. The film explores various themes such as unemployment, poverty, and the impact of the recession on the working class.
In this classic Arabian Nights tale, Aladdin, a young man living in poverty, stumbles upon a magical lamp that contains a powerful genie. With the help of the genie, Aladdin embarks on a journey of transformation, from rags to riches, as he uses his newfound power to win the heart of a princess and overcome the challenges that come his way.
Arabian Nights (1942) tells the story of a courageous adventurer who must rescue a damsel in distress and unravel the treacheries of the caliph's court in order to save the kingdom. With breathtaking action scenes, heartwarming romance, and unexpected twists, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Arabian Nights: Volume 3, The Enchanted One is the third installment of the Arabian Nights trilogy. It explores various stories set in different parts of Portugal, focusing on the societal and economic crisis of the country. The film incorporates both fiction and documentary elements, delving into themes of political corruption, social injustice, and the power of storytelling.
The second volume of Miguel Gomes' Arabian Nights trilogy tells the story of various individuals affected by the economic crisis in Portugal. With a mix of social commentary, fantasy elements, and intertwined narratives, it explores themes of poverty, misery, and the human experience.
Haunted by a tragic past, a stunning music student flees her homeland and ends up in an estranged marriage in Los Angeles, where her piano teacher's lover sparks a passion in her that threatens to destroy everything.
Young Aladdin has a series of wild adventures after he discovers a magic lamp containing a genie.
A cult Soviet musical based on Ali Baba story with spoken-word interludes stylized as Persian poetry.
An Arab sheik's daughter (Maureen O'Hara) avenges his death, blamed on Hassan (Paul Christian) and his Black Riders.
A young man assembles a band of adventurers to take on an evil sultan.
An Arabian-nights princess and a Bedouin chief contend over possession of a stallion, but unite to oppose the Corsair Lords.
Princess Zeila, daughter of Caliph Oman III, is preparing to review the nobles who aspire to her hand. The sinister Prince Jafar plots in the shadows: the young musician Amin will see to it that love can triumph, with the help of the Genie of the Lamp.
An investigation into nunsploitation, and why men find images of nuns involved in sexual situations erotic. The programme also controversially covers the Muslim hibab and burka.
A series of fractured fairy tales vignettes.
Ghost Quartet is a musical performance that took place at the McKittrick Hotel on January 12, 2015. The show combines music, storytelling, and theater to create a unique and immersive experience. It explores themes of love, death, and the circular nature of time.
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