The Thick of It is a hilarious mockumentary series that takes a satirical look at the British government and the absurdities of politics. Set in the fictional Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship, the show follows the lives of politicians and civil servants as they navigate the world of spin doctors, public inquiries, and general elections. Filled with witty dialogue and brilliant performances, The Thick of It is a must-watch for fans of political humor and British comedy.
Yes, Prime Minister is a satirical comedy TV show that takes a humorous look at the inner workings of the British government and bureaucracy during the 1980s. The show revolves around the Prime Minister and his interactions with his cabinet, civil servants, and political parties, all with a comedic twist.
In the Loop is a satirical comedy that follows the chaotic and absurd world of politics. When a British government official unintentionally suggests that a war in the Middle East is inevitable, a group of politicians from both sides of the Atlantic scramble to spin the situation to their advantage. With sharp wit and biting humor, the film exposes the absurdity and incompetence of those in power.
The Wrecking Crew is a spy spoof film based on the Matt Helm character. It tells the story of a naive and clumsy woman who stumbles into a heist involving stolen gold bars. As she uncovers more about the heist, she becomes entangled in a larger spy conspiracy. With the help of a gadget-wielding British intelligence agent, she navigates through dangerous situations and foils the plans of the villains. This comedy film is known for its humor, wit, and parodies of the James Bond series.
A full-time carer plots a daring heist from the Houses of Parliament, in a bid to thwart devastating welfare reforms known as Independence Credit.
In 1953, Winston Churchill suffers a stroke which is kept secret from the public. As he recuperates, his political opponents conspire to undermine his leadership. The recovery process is complicated by his strained relationships with his family and his struggle to regain his speech and physical abilities.
Karaoke, suitcases of wine, ambushing cake... this factual drama tells the story of Covid from inside 10 Downing Street as staff kicked back at lockdown-breaching parties
Documentary chronicling the extraordinary life and tragic death of Mary Millington - Britain's most famous pornographic actress of the 1970s.
Mr. Stink is a heartwarming family comedy about a homeless man named Mr. Stink who finds an unlikely friend in a little girl named Chloe. Chloe invites Mr. Stink to stay in her family's garden shed, while she tries to unravel the mystery of his past. Along the way, they encounter comical situations, learning important lessons about friendship, compassion, and the true meaning of Christmas.
In June 2003, Reg Keys and his wife Sally return to their home in the Welsh countryside. As they switch on the TV to hear six military policemen have been murdered in Iraq, two men arrive bearing the terrible news that their son, Tom, was among them.
Queen Elizabeth has worked with 14 Prime Ministers, including holding confidential weekly meetings. It is not known whether she has influenced her Prime Ministers, or what happens when they clash.
Alien life was discovered during the Apollo 11 moon mission and was covered up. Now that information is about to be revealed once China sends their own crew to the moon.
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