The young boxer Kirill Kochevanov in the training battle of the qualifying rounds with the champion Peter Dorokhov loses the decisive meeting and, it would seem, now he should not get into the team for a trip to Europe. However, according to the decision of the commission, which saw great makings in the athlete, Kochevanov, together with the best Lightning boxers, goes abroad. After several meetings won, our athletes receive the challenge of European champion Henri Lance. Having well studied the tactics and strategy of the battle of Dorokhov, Lance promises all journalists to knock out the opponent no later than the fourth round. However, the opponent of Lance is declared Kirill Kochevanov. In the fourth round, Cyril goes on the offensive, attacks Lance and wins the battle.
The young blacksmith Ilya Gromov from the White Keys collective farm wins the title of world wrestling champion.
О буднях морской пограничной заставы в середине 30-х годов. На маленьком тихоокеанском острове несет службу гарнизон пограничной охраны НКВД. Небольшой отряд бойцов мужественно защищает родную землю от нападения японских диверсантов и гонит прочь непрошенных гостей. Однажды японский эсминец высаживает десант на один из советских островов. Захватчикам помогают завербованные ими предатели. Но пограничники дают достойный отпор агрессору.
A small river separates Soviet lands from the territory of one of the capitalist powers. On the other side, the girl Pebble lives with her peasant father. One morning, after running after a cow across a river, the girl crossed to the Soviet side. She only spends one day in the kindergarten of the border post, but this day remains in her memory for the rest of her life. Seeing the bright, spacious rooms, the beautiful clothes of the children, delicious plentiful food, and many toys, the girl remembers with bitterness her dilapidated hut, where there is not always bread for dinner. Caressed by the Soviet people, in a new dress, with a bunch of donated toys, Pebble goes back home. A rude shout from a gendarme officer brings the girl back to bitter reality.
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