VINCENT, a struggling art-thief and failed artist, stole Malewitsch’s legendary abstract painting the „Black Square”. The sale and handover to a Russian Oligarch and his designated art expert MARTHA is set to take place on a cruise ship. When Vincent and his younger partner NILS realise that their principal accomplice will not show-up to provide the boarding tickets and fake ID’s, they desperately overbear two men in order to sneak their way onto the ship. To their horror they quickly learn that their victims are part of the cruise ship’s entertainment act. Desperate not to blow their cover, Vincent and Nils take on their roles as David Bowie and Elvis Presley doubles with varying degrees of success. Despite his best efforts, Vincent’s talents hardly convince the passengers and it does not take long until various crew members discover their true identities and the value of their loot. A wild goose chase for the “Black Square” breaks loose in the belly of the cruise ship…
Arme Millionäre is an Austro-German comedy-drama television film series first aired on RTL on 22 August 2005. 12 episodes were aired between then and 2006. The series is about a billionaire family who suddenly find themselves poor.
A woman with borderline personality disorder engages in a passionate affair with an older man, testing the boundaries of their relationship. As their relationship progresses, they face psychological stress and struggle to maintain a balance between love and personal freedom.
Computer scientist Dr. Mary Cameron is certain that love can be predicted with numbers and is not just fate. Her boss sees great success in this: the algorithm she has developed is to help singles find the right partner on the dating platform "Cupid's Match". Amanda and Zac are chosen as a promotional campaign, who, as a couple according to the algorithm
It is an absolute B movie. It starts like a fake western movie and continuous with an East European prostitute on the run from her manager. Bad example of a good quality German movie. There are many of good quality and better than average American entertainment. But this one is not.
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