Torben Chris puts his arch-Copenhagen friend and colleague Thomas Hartmann in a Jutish practice so that he can learn to become a real Jutish.
After a car accident, a real estate agent finds himself in the afterlife and must navigate his way through heaven, encountering various comedic situations along the way.
In the world of stand-up comedy, two friends embark on a journey to open their own comedy club. They face various obstacles and hilarious mishaps along the way, testing their friendship and their comedic skills. Can they make their dream a reality?
Linda P is once again ready to come on stage. This time with a show called Linda P's talk show – including talk and show. The name comes from the fact that she once again wants to entertain her audience in the style of her show "The too big Linda P show".
Et comedy show til nørden i os alle! I sit nye show, Science Faction, tager Thomas udgangspunkt i sin evige interesse for underlige facts; “Jeg har altid haft den regel, at jeg ikke står på scenen og påstår noget er sandt, hvis det ikke er tilfældet,” siger Thomas Hartmann. “Dette bliver, i det nye show, mere aktuelt end nogensinde.” Science Faction bliver som vi kender det fra Hartmann - klassisk, verbal stand-up comedy!
Bytte Bytte Købmand is a comedy movie that revolves around a merchant who decides to engage in the ancient art of bartering in order to obtain the things he desires. The movie showcases the hilarious situations and misunderstandings that ensue as he tries to navigate the world of trading and exchange.
Extrospekt (2008) is a comedy movie that includes jokes, sketch comedy, and stand-up comedy. It provides a hilarious and entertaining experience.
Betamax comedy movie
Hartmann X on his second tour with the "Hartmann X" Stand-up show. Hartmann X II surpasses the first show in humor and content