The man-hungry “vampire,” later to be popularized by America’s Theda Bara, made her screen debut in this Danish melodrama directed by August Blom. Clara Wieth starred in the title role of the Vampire Dancer, which is just what she was: a dancer performing her seductions on-stage. Off-stage, the young girl is kindhearted and a bit naïve. The lustful dance, during which Robert Dinesen succumbs to the dancer’s fatal charms, remained the centerpiece of the film, which was a popular success and made Wieth an international star.
Lad det være sagt med det samme. Musikken i "Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig" er fantastisk. Den bliver faktisk bedre og bedre med årene. Men det er også en operettefilm, hvor Kai Normann Andersen har komponeret, og hvor Teddy Petersen dirigerer. Så kunne det næppe gøres bedre i 1941. Handlingen i filmen er rimelig. Den er i hvert fald bedre end tilsvarende film fra samme periode fra den anden side af "dammen". Det er musikken, der løfter filmen op i de høje skylag. "Toner fra himlen" og selvfølgelig "Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig".
Peter Soeborg and Susanne have been happily married for a month. He is a postman, but very gifted voice and in a couple of years participated as korherre Alhambra Theatre's operettas. Peter and especially his cute little wife proud dreams for the future, and their mutual friend, the old dresser Kragelund, who lives in the same house, also believe in Peter's abilities. There has to be premiered at the operetta "Love", and Peter hopes to be considered. But it should prove to be quite easy.
A lottery win allows the kitchen girl Hansy Hansen to lodge at an upmarket seaside hotel where the widower landowner Rosen falls in love with her. However, Rosen is in financial difficulties because of the lawyer Sadolin, who reneged on marrying his daughter. He puts everything he can into the daughter's horse to win a race.
The ballet pupil Camilla Favier makes for a quick success and falls for the author Jean Mayol. She discovers a love letter to him from a rich married woman and is devastated. In revenge she reveals the secret love story for the cuckolded husband and his guests at a big party. Later she finds a new love message from the wayward wife and brings it to the husband, who gets furious, grabs a pistol and incites the climax of the story.
Doctor Willy Prager’s long, selfless office hours come at the expense of his attention-seeking fiancée. During a garden party, Willy is summoned to an ill child’s bedside and leaves his fiancée Erna in the hands of his faithful friend Alfred. Out of sheer boredom, Erna tries to kiss Alfred, but the loyal friend rejects her. Erna feels devastated and lies to Willy that it was Alfred who tried to seduce her. However, Alfred refuses to tarnish Erna’s honour and tacitly accepts when Willy challenges him to a duel. (
Poul Løwe is young, charming and rich - and his secretary Gretel is the same, except for the rich - and none of them are mutual blind to each other's characteristics, making it difficult for them to concentrate on the typewriter. There's just one difficult and embarrassing problem: Poul is married!
1912 film by August Blom
Vi befinder os i en lille Heurigen-Café i Wien. Den unger sanger Fritz Hertzgruber (Max Hansen Sen.) stifter bekendtskab med en ung dansk forfatter, Jesper Ellekilde (Jens Asby), og de to unge mennesker bliver straks venner. Fritz har nemlig som "Wienerbarn" været i Danmark og er nu et ivrigt medlem af Wienerbørnenes egen klub. Aftenen efter finder finder klubbens årlige lodtrækning om en rejse til Danmark sted, og Fritz bliver den heldige - omend af omveje. Fritz og Jesper følges ad til Danmark, hvor Fritz glæder sig voldsomt til gensynet med sine plejeforældre, komponisten Emilius Andersen (Richard Christensen) og hans kone (Helga Frier). De var de sødeste mennesker overfor deres Wienerbarn, og deres hjem står i Fritz' hukommelse som indbegrebet af idyl og harmoni.
On her way to her aunt's house, motherless young Edith is kidnapped by a white slave trader and put in a brothel. Luckily Mr. Faith, Edith's travel acquaintance, senses that something is wrong.