In the year 1000, a young man in the Middle Ages seeks revenge for the tragic event that took place in his village. He embarks on a journey through the treacherous wilderness of Lapland, facing snowstorms, dangerous wildlife, and a band of ruthless killers. Along the way, he learns the art of survival and the true meaning of family.
The entire extended family is happily on its way to a nostalgic Christmas at a rented cabin in the mountains. The cabin becomes cramped, however, when mom and dad and four grown-up children with their respective families, a dog and in-laws from Poland squeeze inside the frozen cabin walls in 30-below-zero weather.
"Salto, salmiakk og kaffe" is movie about a bunch of people who put duty and work in front of all, who wash too much , hovering too little and let love get in the final series ... A hot summer need suddenly pregnant single mother and fish disk saleswoman Maria lot of money. She robs Jesus and nothing being identically in the small community.
In the midst of an atomic war on Earth in the near future, a number of colonists are sent to establish an outpost on Mars. Strange events begin to affect the Terran life brought as part of the settlement effort, including the seeded grass sprouting purple, the family cow growing a third horn in the middle of its head, and other anomalies with the vegetable garden. Slowly people begin to show signs of transforming into Martians, as their limbs and bodies elongate and their irises turn to a shimmery gold, along with their skin darkening.
Hindu god Indra has a daughter Agnes, who visits Earth to find out if people have legitimate complaints. She marries a lawyer from Bergen and has children, but is disillusioned by marriage and embarks on a journey among men.
A middle-aged couple, Daniel and Cecilie, lives in a large house. They have a son, but he has left them, and they do not even know if he is alive. While Cecilie is alone in the house, three young people and one older person come in. They are friends with the son. Conflicts arise between Cecilie - and later Daniel - and the invaders.
The Øyens' leave their 5 year old daughter to the babysitter, who later that night receives some mystical phone calls.
A story of two siblings who for the first time spend a night without their parents, and are visited by strangers who ask for room for the night. Based on the novel by Norwegian writer Tarjei Vesaas.
Based on a play by Harold Pinter.
The alcoholic Oslo journalist Erik Mogensen goes to Copenhagen to make a story about youth and drugs. Inevitably this goes wrong for Erik.
This historical drama is based on a play by Henrik Ibsen and set in the year 1528. The central figure in the low-keyed story is a Norwegian noblewoman who is seeking to bring independence to that country despite the involved political intrigues of the Swedes and Danes, who are using Norway as a pawn in their rivalries.
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