Show of the Augsburger Puppenkiste
Schlupp vom grünen Stern is a German television series.
Der Prinz von Pumpelonien is a German television series.
Far, far away, about halfway between Thursday and the North Pole, somewhere near Taschenbier city is the grassland, completely surrounded by high mountains. There live the Opodeldoks, that is, more precisely, Oberdeldok, Opozähldok, Omadeldok, Opadeldok and the little Deldok. Far from any civilization, the Opodeldoks mainly interested in grass, from which they produce an excellent, albeit a bit boring in the long run salad, and chicken, especially chicken! The Opodeldoks spend their days very peacefully in the rule. Until one day the little Deldok for excitement makes. He really want to learn, which is probably hidden behind the mountains. Through his curiosity got he and his girlfriend, the hen Helene, in a great adventure.
Mr. Taschenbier hopes that Sams, that little cheeky, gluttonous, yet lovable green creature with the red hair and blue dots on his face, will come back soon and stay with him forever, once the wishing machine has been set in motion. But, on Sunday the sun must shine, on Monday Mr. Mohn must come to visit, on Tuesday Taschenbier must go on duty, Wednesday is just there, there must be the middle of the week, but Thursday is difficult, because there must be thunder, and Friday must be a day off. But one day it works out, the Sams is back and the wishing machine works. But now one disaster after another happens.
What happened to mankind? They stopped being afraid of ghosts and now a family of ghosts is afraid themselves. And if that was not enough, a disco is planned to be build above their crypt