For a Lost Soldier is a biographical drama set in the Netherlands during World War II. It tells the story of a Canadian soldier who develops a forbidden love with a young boy in a rural setting. The film explores themes of intergenerational friendship, sexual awakening, and the challenges of maintaining a relationship in a time of war.
TV reporter Armand Laqueue travels to Ibiza and gets caught up in a world of loose women and drug smugglers.
A merchant marries a woman who looks exactly like his former lover, who died because of him. But the man has a morbid jealousy, he sees a rival in every man. Then he asks an attractive man to seduce his wife for money.
The film features a dystopian near-future world which has been split into three. The Third World are the owners of all of the world's resources and are now able to hold the United States and Europe to ransom.
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