Fifty years have passed and the director meets Maria José again. She used to be a maid at his parents' house, when he was a child. From her he has heard the most fantastic stories. She was then eighteen and he was around six. The young woman became an elderly lady, a wrinkled great grandmother with the sea embedded in her eyes. She lives in a fishermen's village with white small houses perched at the edge of a cliff in Peniche, a neighborhood known as "Windows of the Sea". She now tells the story of her life in short sequences based on her experience and wisdom. Her story reflects itself in the personal and deformed narrative of the director. Seduced, the grandson and the great grandson all share a fabulous adventure. The games, the deep blue of the unpredictable Atlantic, under the splendor of the mists.
One hundred years of Portuguese Football, from the first public experiments in 1888, in Cascais, the evolution in the twenties, the National Stadium, the glory of the sixties, the 25th of April until 1984.
An important document from an era, which shows us the daily life in the fishing community of Caxinas and Poça da Barca, the efforts to create fishing cooperatives and the aspirations and achievements of community-based associations.