Winter Light is a 1963 Swedish drama film directed by Ingmar Bergman. The story revolves around a pastor named Tomas who struggles with his faith and experiences a crisis of faith. The film explores themes of loss of faith, existentialism, and the meaning of existence. Set in winter, the bleak landscape mirrors the protagonist's inner turmoil. The film is known for its slow cinema style and deeply introspective narrative.
A large number of jewelers in different central Swedish cities are exposed to burglary. The method elicits the police when the jewels were stolen without any door to the shops being broken up. When an elderly jeweler is murdered in his shop, the local police first conclude that it is another crime of the same offender, when another jeweler in the city got burglary the day before. But Sverre Sterner soon begins to suspect that completely different motives are behind the murder. The wires lead backwards in time around a putative drowning accident.
Bamse is an anthropomorphic bear with super strength who goes on adventures with his friends, including an anthropomorphic tortoise and rabbit, while protecting the forest from villains like wolves. The show is based on a comic strip.
A devoted but controversial priest comes to a Swedish village. He encounters conflicts with the locals. The priest has some problems within his family as well. One is related to an orphan girl.
In Monopoly (1996), a media tycoon runs a political campaign in a bid to gain a television monopoly. The movie explores themes of corruption, abuse of power, and the influence of the media. With satire and comedy, it showcases the absurdity of the TV industry and the lengths people will go to achieve their goals.
About the Swedish author Agnes Von Krusenstjerna during the period of her marriage to David Sprengel. In the hallucinatory opening sequence she is brought in a straitjacket by her husband and two psychiatric nurses through the Venice Carnival nocturnal antics to a mental hospital in the city. With her is a manuscript of her autobiography, which she calls "her child". The book is Agnes showdown with her family, and in flashbacks presented, Agnes progress from the author of innocent girls' books to serious and self-consuming novelist.
A young man,Erik, breaks into a photo store. But he is discovered by the night watchman and has to fly. During the flight he is picked up by cabaret singer Margot, who offers him protection. Erik, now wanted by the police, stays for a longer time with Margot and becomes her lover. Margot, however, is not alone in recruiting Erik: even the young Li is interested in him.
The world's strongest (and kindest) bear.
A member of a highly successful crime drama series is found murdered in a television studio. The screenwriter of the TV-series is found as prime suspect but claims his innocence and tries to clear his name. But who is the murderer and what is his motive?
Emil and Ove are two happily married men. Both are currently bachelorssince their wives are on holiday in Denmark. One day Emil almost run over a beautiful woman at Nybroplan in Stockholm. She is a outstanding redhead.
Bamse saves a little donkey from a nasty man. Together with his friends he builds a stable for it.
Two villains escape from jail in London. They are planning an attack on Agaton Sax. Inspector Lispington and Sax are chasing the two bad guys, but the hunt is hampered by the villains have lookalikes.
Bamse and his friends Shellman and Little Skip end up in an adventure with a flying carpet. When there is a threat, Bamse eats a can of his "Thunder-Honey", turns into the world's strongest bear, and saves his friends.
Satire showing what can happen when a charismatic but unknown person gets a chance to share their political views in a TV programme.
Bamse is a good-hearted bear whose grandmother cooks a special kind of honey, that gives him superpowers. When someone starts transforming the bear's friends into balloons and other things, Bamse and his friends Skalman (a turtle) and Lille Skutt (a rabbit) must journey through the woods to stop this person.
A secretary at a publishing company, Birgitta, writes a novel, based on her secret love of her boss. She sends it anonymously to her own company, who decides to publish it. The book becomes a success. Birgitta's husband's mistress get hold of the script and confesses that *she* wrote the novel. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Eva discovers a contest of an altarpiece. Her husband Adam makes a simple sketch. Adam wins the competition. The success makes Adam famous.
August Strindberg's "The Red Room" recreated to a science fiction world in Stockholm, a brutal, guarded and controlled existence under a total supremacy. Like in Metropolis or Airstrip One the citizens are directed to align themselves in the direction of what the higher power thinks is to their advantage. The government offices takes care of your every need.
Unsuccessful composer Stig disguises himself as a woman to play in ex-fiancee Sonja's seven piece women's orchestra, which is temporarily short one member, at a hotel. When Stig's jealous, and unsuccessful actress, wife Eva finds out about it she too disguises herself as the opposite sex by posing as a hotel porter. Additional complications arise and hilarity ensues!
A seemingly ordinary day in October. A woman has since she separated from her husband lived in a single room with a separate entrance. But for her this is not an ordinary day. She only has six hours left to live.