Surreal Soviet fantasy movie about a man whose love is kidnapped by the Tsar and he must save her with the help of a humpbacked horse.
When September Comes tells the story of a young Armenian boy growing up in Moscow during the Soviet era. He shares a special bond with his grandfather and embarks on a journey to explore his heritage and navigate the complexities of his dual identity.
A group of Moldavian folk musicians compete for the top Soviet prize. Singer Lyana loves the flautist, but he's fallen afoul of the group leader.
In the fall of 1920, when the Red Army fought on the outskirts of Novorossiysk, one of the best ships of the Russian fleet “Oryol” stood at the berths of the port. The ship's boatswain, the hiding communist Mikhail Gruzdev, convinced Captain Chistyakov to keep the Eagle and return it to the red flag. Soon the legendary ship aboard the White Guards pursued by the Red Army left Novorossiysk. History left no trace of the further fate of the "Eagle" and its crew. It was believed that Chistyakov handed over the ship to the White Guards, and they took him abroad. Many years later, the captain of the ship “Flounder” Mikhail Gruzdev, confident in Chistyakov’s uncompromising attitude, obtained permission - and set about searching for the missing ship.
The story of three young Russsian adventurers against the background of post-revolutionary skirmishes in the Ukraine. The boys get mixed up with a wounded commissar and a marauding White Russian officer. They find themselves in all sorts of predicaments before the Reds arrive to save the day, and become the mascots of a troop of Bolshevik cavalry.
Young boy traveling on the ship called "Equator" suddenly witnesses the activity of the spy and helps to catch him.
Indiga needs to overcome her fears in order to save her brother.
Igor Savchenko's Accordion (Garmon', 1934) was adapted from a poem by A. Zharov. This film sheds light on the reasons why the mass song came into being. In it, the country boy Timosha stops playing the accordion after being chosen leader of the local Komsomol. When he understands that he must compete with the sad kulak songs played by Tlskliby ("Mournful"), he recognizes his mistake in abandoning his accordion, and in the end he gathers the other youths around him with his lively and merry songs.
О юных выпускниках мореходного училища и их первом выходе в море. О трудном жизненном экзамене на профессиональную и человеческую прочность, который пришлось выдержать как команде траулера «Кайра», потерпевшего бедствие во время шторма, так и коллективу спасателя «Посейдон» под командованием капитана Чигринова, где проходил свою службу герой фильма Славка Чигринов, сумевший во время опасности проявить находчивость, мужество, отвагу.
A World War II era Soviet war film, focusing on the role of the Red Navy rather than land forces, and reviving the 1920s concept of the collective hero.
Forty-year-old surgeon Alexey Shulgin, considering himself a loser, is going to leave the Far North. But after all, every person at least once in their life comes a moment when they need to show everything they are capable of. Such a moment for Shulgin was the call aboard the patrol ship. An accident happened there - a broken cable seriously injured a sailor.
In the distant mountains, in a Serbian village, the occupiers are robbing the population and shooting the rebels. The villagers flee into the forest and form a partisan detachment. The detachment mines the road so that the punitive detachment cannot reach the village. But the partisans do not have Bickford's belt. The bomber faces inevitable death. Young Marko undertakes this task.