Mute Witness is a crime, horror, and thriller movie released in 1995. The plot revolves around a mute witness who becomes the target of danger after she accidentally discovers a snuff movie disk. As she tries to escape, she finds herself in a neo-Hitchcockian chase through Moscow, Russia. With the help of an artist and an undercover cop, she must unravel the mystery and survive the dark-comedy that unfolds.
An Unfinished Piece for Player Piano follows an aging upper-class couple in Russia as they reflect on their lost love and disappointment. Set in a single day at a dacha, the film explores themes of love, aging, and the illusions of the landed gentry. Based on a play, the movie portrays the disillusionment and one-day timespan of the characters, focusing on their relationship and the disappointment that comes with it.
Uncle Vanya is a drama set in rural Tsarist Russia, focusing on the relationships and tensions within a family and the unrequited love that exists amongst them. The story explores themes of melancholy, disappointment, and the bitter realities of middle age.
After the concert, the popular singer, having boarded the train, discovers that her jacket is missing, and with it her passport, according to which she must go abroad on tour. Two stowaways, posing as police officers, undertake to help the singer.
After witnessing the brutal rape of her mother, a cop's daughter takes matters into her own hands and seeks revenge on the perpetrators, setting off a chain of violent events.
Katerina Izmailova, a beautiful and uneducated merchant's wife, feels lonely and bored somewhere in the Russian provinces while her older husband is often away. Years go by in her childless marriage, without an outlet for her youthful energy, resulting in constant idleness and frustration. Along comes Sergei, an unscrupulous young worker who is happy to improve his lot by seducing Katerina as he has done with others before. Katerina falls for Sergei, and this love quickly becomes her only reason for living, turning to destructive passion and ultimately to tragedy for many.
Classic adaptation of the even more classic play by William Shakespeare.
Match factory repairman Parfen Loktionov is offered to become a shift foreman. The new position, on the one hand, is associated with increased responsibility, and on the other, with less earnings (the salary is “ten” less). The mother-in-law and wife insist that Parfen, usually submissive to them, refuse the offer made to him. But this time he rebels against domestic tyranny...
The play is about the Game, about creativity, which this time turned into the form of a brilliant speck. Skillfully, talentedly and artistically, the victim of the same players as himself, Ikharev does not suffer a catastrophe, because his "Adelaide Ivanovna" remains with him. Tool and mascot of his game. His secret manuscript ...
To mark the 60 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The film is set in a small village in western Russia. It is a story about two days from the life of an ordinary family: a father, a mother and their five-year-old daughter. That’s what Garik Sukachyov says about his film: “On June 22, 1941, a family is celebrating the daughter’s birthday. It is a beautiful sunny day, full of joy and merriment. For the girl, it is filled with important events and adventure – her birthday is celebrated by the whole village, not just by her family. And no one yet knows that tomorrow her father will leave for his work in a district center and come back a few hours later in a home guard uniform only to say goodbye to his family. And that at the moment of their leave-taking the Germans already will be entering the village. And that they will be shot by the river, on the same bank where only yesterday the carefree, happy family was sunbathing and having fun…”
Tpидцaтыe гoды. Xyтopянин Фeдop Бaзыpин, "cкoлoтив" кpeпкoe xoзяйcтвo, влюбилcя в пoceлкoвyю дeвyшкy, дa тaк, чтo чyть ли нe из-пoд вeнцa yкpaл ee и yвeз к ceбe нa xyтop, гдe жeнилcя нa любимoй дeвyшкe. Oни были cчacтливы. Ho пpoшлo вpeмя и мoлoдaя жeнщинa пoтянyлacь к нoвoй жизни. Tpyд вo блaгo личнoгo бытa в oтpывe oт oбщиx дepeвeнcкиx пpaздникoв и бyднeй ee бoльшe нe ycтpaивaл и oнa peшилa пoкинyть xyтop...
After discovering a time tunnel to 1960-ies a journalist decides to make some cash out of it.
In the early 19th century a traveler returns to the remote outpost he’d visited years before, anxious to see the station master’s lovely daughter once again. There the brokenhearted old man tells him the story of the dashing fellow from Petersburg who whisked her away one winter morning.
A woman refuses to take an oath before the christian cross.
An adaptation of Jesus' life, the film mixes real and imaginary characters, biblical and historical references, to present two worlds condemned to coexist.