Office Romance is a comedy romance film set in a 1970s office. It follows the story of a clumsy man who falls in love with his female boss, leading to awkwardness and unexpected situations. Based on a play, the film explores themes of love, self-esteem, and changing ways of life in the workplace.
A group of thirteen tourists, including Lisa and Andrew, arrives to an Asian country, but instead of exotic travel they get into ordeal. Shipwrecked, they must survive ona desert island.
A boy from a remote Ural village, who grew up without a father in a large family, managed not only to survive the hardships of a wartime childhood and post-war devastation, but also to become at the origins of the creation of the Group A anti-terrorist unit, which would later become known as the Alpha Group.
About the life of military pilots, their friendship, and dedication to their profession. The plot is based on the transfer of an aviation regiment from a small town in the Arctic.
Adaptation of three short stories by Ray Bradbury. An atmosphere of hostility forms inside an unnamed city, and the citizens are unsettled by the materialization of ghosts and the memories of their loved ones.
She is smart, surrounded by parental attention and therefore not completely independent, and he is one of those who cannot imagine himself without creation, since he is a builder. They are very different people, but the young are united by a keen sense of responsibility for everything that happens around. And so, having parted, they will definitely meet again...
"Era Consultant": The former driver of the Council of People's Commissars was invited to shoot a film about the 30s. Regarding his chauffeur career had began precisely at that time, he agreed, although he perfectly understood that he was invited because of the old Emka, which he still drives and which is unlikely to be driven by anyone else. "Owner": Tractor driver, who is keenly concerned about the collective farm business, drives around the fields at night, loads rotting straw into a trailer and takes it to an abandoned public young farm. "Clinic": Fearing for the patient’s life, surgeon offers his services to a protégé of the hospital head, who is preparing to defend her dissertation. But the patient dies...
Propaganda film about Soviet inventor Igor Krymov and his entrapment by foreign spies.
Prince Igor is a musical adventure set in 12th-century Russia. It follows the story of Prince Igor, a nobleman who embarks on a journey to reclaim his kingdom and win the heart of a beautiful princess. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and obstacles that test his courage and determination. With its enchanting music and captivating storyline, Prince Igor is a must-watch for fans of historical musicals.
An unbelievable story about love which survived the horrors of WWII and a time abyss of 67 years.
A romantic story about a photographer Ivan from a small town, a girl Masha from Moscow and a magic camera...
Mature couple is very serious about having New Year eve in family circle but their suddenly-grown-up children are dead serious to have it their way.
A test mechanic at a tractor plant resolutely opposes defectors and fulfilling the plan at any cost.
Тридцатилетний холостяк-астроном встречает девушку своей мечты, влюбляется в нее, и та отвечает ему взаимностью. Но соединить судьбы влюбленным не так-то просто: дело в том, что наш герой — сын властной мамы, желающей единолично опекать своего отпрыска до старости. Единственное решение проблемы — переключить внимание капризной родительницы на другой объект. Например… на нового мужа! Но найти достойного кандидата в супруги привередливой молодящейся женщине бальзаковского возраста — задачка не из легких. Герой фильма буквально сбивается с ног в поисках приличного жениха. В процессе он знакомится с множеством самых разных людей, преодолевает невероятные препятствия, попадает в курьезные и анекдотические ситуации. В испытаниях характер молодого человека закаляется, а став сильнее, он наконец освобождается от материнского диктата.