The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama series about a teenage girl, Elena Gilbert, who is torn between two vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Set in the small town of Mystic Falls, Elena discovers that her hometown is filled with supernatural beings, including vampires, werewolves, witches, and more. As she navigates her complicated love life and battles against powerful enemies, Elena must also uncover the secrets of her own past and embrace her destiny.
Project Blue Book is a drama, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, and thriller TV show that follows the true story of the top-secret United States Air Force program called Project Blue Book. Set in the 1950s and 1960s during the Cold War, the show revolves around the investigations of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a brilliant astrophysicist, and Captain Michael Quinn, a skeptical Air Force officer. Together, they delve into UFO sightings and encounters, trying to distinguish between truth and conspiracy while uncovering a web of government cover-ups, military conspiracies, and alien technology. As they dig deeper, they find themselves caught in a web of mystery, encountering mysterious men in black, unexplained phenomenon, and a secret agenda that goes beyond their wildest imaginations.
In rural 1980s America, a violent incident between two brothers leads to a cover-up that has far-reaching consequences. As an investigation unfolds, secrets are uncovered and a family is torn apart.
Professional poker player Andy and his girlfriend Chloe are involved in a crazy 24 hours after a home poker game is robbed. Andy finds up playing the largest poker game of his life as both of their lives are in danger.
Impirioso is a captivating drama that explores the themes of power and corruption. Set in a fictional city, the movie follows the rise and fall of a ruthless politician who will stop at nothing to achieve his ambitions. As he manipulates the system and manipulates those around him, the true cost of his actions becomes apparent. Impirioso is a thought-provoking exploration of the dark side of human nature.
Lonely Noreen daydreams of being whisked away by a square-jawed cowboy, but her reality is far more mundane. She lives virtually enslaved on the family farm in the North of England, with only her father's demeaning comments about her weight as company. So it's no wonder that she pays attention to the first thing that's ever shown her any kindness, even if it is an abandoned 60 year-old talking tractor. A friendship quickly develops, Noreen sets about restoring the tractor, and together they hatch a plan to turn the tables on her father.
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