XV century. In the vast expanses of Eurasia, the descendants of Genghis Khan create their own state. The promised land of Kazakh Khanate is resisting its enemies..
Three friends open a camp for kids born in the city who do not know the traditions and customs of their ancestors.
Any success story can never do without heavy falls, bitter partings and irresistibly difficult choices. But it’s not the ensemble’s success that makes the story insightful, but the difficult path that the guys had to go to achieve it. Concert bans, distrust of the party, problems with the institute, breath-taking popularity and, finally, the most difficult choice between science and art, will make the audience really worry about every step of the founders of Dos-Mukassan. A genuine, sincere friendship between the main characters of the story, which one day will be in jeopardy, will keep in suspense throughout the journey.
Everyone's favorite children's camp, Auyl Camp, is the dream of every child in the country. But that's how it was before the pandemic: a coronavirus spoils all plans and the camp has to be closed. Fate separates Kairat, Bolat and Dastan. Only after some time Bolat and Dastan realize that the camp and raising children brought them joy. The friends decide to reunite and resume the work of the camp "Auyl Camp".
Kairat agrees to an excellent offer to lead a large holding company leaving Dastan and Bolat in charge of the camp. But this two quarrel and divide the camp into two rival groups. Every day they come up with tricky plans on how to prank the opponents.
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