In 1920s Moscow, a construction worker invites his wife's cousin to stay with them, leading to a love triangle with unexpected complications.
Friends and family are trying to bring together newlyweds who separated immediately after the wedding.
On the evening of May 9, 1945, when Moscow is noisily and cheerfully celebrating the Victory Day, a young girl agronomist Zina Sokolova and a sailor officer Lavrentyev meet in the compartment of the Moscow-Vladivostok train. The sailor takes the lively, direct character of the girl for windiness and frivolity. Sokolova also reacted frowningly and mockingly to the satellite. To get to know each other better, travelers are helped by nuisance: they are behind the train, and the rest of the way they are together, getting to know people and the life of the country along the way.
On one of the October nights at the ball, gymnasium pupils and officers scoff at the love of Kuzma Zakharkin, the “cook's son”, to Lena, the daughter of the manufacturer. Cannon volley interrupts the fun. In the city begins the Moscow armed uprising of workers. At the center of the fate of two families is the capitalist Leontyev and the worker Zakharkin, whose sons became the organizers and participants of this uprising.
A naughty kitten runs away from home to take part in a dangerous forest adventure. A special "fluffy effect" was developed for this cartoon to make animals look more lively.
Southern seaside town. High school students Olya and Mitya met at sports classes, made friends. Suddenly the girl's mother dies and Olga, left in the care of a semi-literate aunt, decides to leave school and go to work. Mitya's family, and first of all, of course, he himself, already in love with Olya, convinces her to move to live in their house. Participation and caring attention literally returns the girl's interest in life and further studies. However, rumors spread around the school about the cohabitation of two students, and hints were made about the intimacy of their relationship. As a result, young people quarrel. But real friends and family of Mitya are trying to help the lovers sort out their feelings.
Yasha, who likes Anna, accomodates siberian Pavel Kuganov, which later becomes a class-conscious worker in a factory. Anna refuses Yasha's offer of marriage and he therefore runs off to Siberia. After Pavel is hailed as a hero because he survives a fire accident in factory (which is in fact effect of his sabotage), Anna marries him. Pavel then becomes a reckless communist careerist, but only on surface. In fact, he is a traitor of the country and a spy, and gives Anna's party ID card to anti-communist movement. In spite of that, Anna is expelled from the communist party. Yasha returns from Siberia, only to find her love Anna desperate. They reveal the truth about Pavel (that he is a kulak who killed a kolchoz co-op leader), which means an end for Pavel.
After graduating from college, Natasha returns to Kamchatka, where she spent her childhood and youth. The girl arrives at the geological group of engineer Rozhnov and here she meets her childhood friend Kirik, the expedition guide. A small group of geologists will have to move to the south of Kamchatka, where there should be oil. On the way, the expedition ends up in the area of the active Klyuchevsky volcano, as a result of which the horses scatter and all the group’s property is destroyed. The group's already unenviable position is aggravated by heavy snowfall. Natasha makes an independent decision - and goes for help to the nearest collective farm, which is located two hundred kilometers from the group...
О буднях морской пограничной заставы в середине 30-х годов. На маленьком тихоокеанском острове несет службу гарнизон пограничной охраны НКВД. Небольшой отряд бойцов мужественно защищает родную землю от нападения японских диверсантов и гонит прочь непрошенных гостей. Однажды японский эсминец высаживает десант на один из советских островов. Захватчикам помогают завербованные ими предатели. Но пограничники дают достойный отпор агрессору.
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