And Here's What's Happening to Me is a movie that explores the ups and downs of a person's life through a mix of comedy and drama. It follows the main character as they navigate various life events, including love, career changes, and personal growth. With each twist and turn, the protagonist learns valuable life lessons and discovers the true meaning of happiness. This heartfelt movie is a must-watch for anyone who wants to laugh, cry, and reflect on the journey of life.
Colonel Koloda, recruited by foreign intelligence, stole secret documents of national importance. In fact, the documents are fake, disinformation for foreign intelligence agencies. The surveillance of the traitor leads the operatives to the bank, where he leaves the documents in the cell number 69. To establish who will come for them, Captain Alexey Vereshchagin comes to the bank under the guise of a client. Ironically, it is this bank that Mikhail Druskin, a desperate candidate of sciences and single father, wants to rob. When he sees the police, he takes the bank's visitors hostage in fright.
The first love of the young heroine of the film remains unrequited. An adult married man, a friend of her parents, does not believe that he has the right to respond to this feeling. They will meet in a few years other people — and broke out with a new force of love will turn their lives. They do not yet know that they will be separated again. However, their souls are destined to stay together forever…
Very nice young women - Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov - came to Crimea to relax. They settle in the Eden Hotel and do not know that according to the devil’s plan, everyone who arrives at this hotel must indulge in sinful pleasures on the seventh day, and on the thirteenth - give their soul to Satan...
russian comedy
Young Nastya brings home a tutor. But her mother is not happy with her daughter’s desire to study. A suspicious woman sees a hidden motive in the relationship between the girl and the teacher: Nastya was raised without a father and has now fallen in love with her mother’s peer: an educated, impressive man. The mother is ready to break off the shameful relationship at any cost: she does not disdain scandals, blackmail, or hysterics. But if she knew what secrets her daughter had from her...
The beautiful model from Ryazan Sveta and her fellow kickboxer Stepa in early childhood took an oath to love each other to the grave. But Stepan joined the army, where he soon received news that Sveta had left for Moscow with a rich producer. Now she shines on the catwalks of the capital. Stepa decides to go to Moscow and become a kickboxing champion.
Известный телевизионный ведущий Игорь Зорин без преувеличений самый счастливый человек на Земле. Он находится на пике своей карьеры, а через пару дней станет мужем раскрасавицы Алисы. Но в один момент счастливая жизнь Игоря рушится - накануне свадьбы его любимая погибает в автокатастрофе. Ошарашенный ее смертью, Игорь впадает в апатию и даже хочет совершить самоубийство, но его спасает несостоявшаяся теща Ирина. Именно она становится тем ангелом-хранителем, который помогает Игорю вернуться к нормальной жизни. Видя, как Зорин страдает, у нее возникает идея познакомить парня с другой девушкой, чтобы тот снова обрел силы жить. Только Ирина даже не подозревает, что из этого получится…
A rich, smart, charming philanthropist from Saint-Petersburg Andrei Rokshin is found dead at home. The culprit is a woman wearing a black veil. Investigator Sinev takes the case.
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