Inspired by the 1997 American drama Donnie Brasco, El Dandy tells the story of a law professor who has been hired by the Attorney General, to participate in a program of special operations, where you must infiltrate one of the most notorious drug cartels of Mexico City. Under the false name Daniel "El Dandy" Bracho, begins the task of identifying all the members of this clandestine network. However, he quickly finds that his acute ability to police work is only comparable with the exciting sense of danger that experiences living life to the fullest. Along the way, it avails itself of the help of a criminal's petty, loyal, even corrupt, called El Chueco, who quickly befriends Bracho and comes dangerously close to discover his true identity. Much deeper Bracho is involved in the mafia, more work tells him to get out, and the professor once incorruptible has to choose between returning to a normal life as a respectable citizen or fully embrace his criminal life.
The adventures of two friends, one a chicken vendor in a market and the other a policeman. They have love affairs and capture criminals.
In El día de los albañiles 2, a group of construction workers find themselves in hilarious situations as they navigate both their professional and personal lives.
At the local construction site, love and drama go hand in hand. Action, comedy, drama and sex are all in the mix in this very sexy/comedy starring some of the icons of this "sexy era" of the Mexican cinema.
An academic tags along among a crew of rowdy delivery-truck drivers, taking notes on their colorful and idiomatic use of language.
Los verduleros 2 (1987) is a comedy movie about a group of misfits working in a vegetable store who stumble upon humorous and absurd situations.
Las sirvientas calientes 2 is a hilarious comedy that revolves around a group of attractive maids who find themselves in various comedic and steamy situations. This movie is filled with laughter, seduction, and plenty of surprises.
Just arrived from his village to the capital, Roberto calls hosting its ambitious relatives. As not bring money is forced to work as a bricklayer in a construction in which a host of dangerous adventures live.
Mexican Garañon is a side-splitting comedy that follows the life of a playboy from Mexico. With his irresistible charm and smooth moves, he navigates through various comical situations, leaving a trail of laughter in his wake.
Pancho has a wife, fiance, and several girlfriends, and juggling them all can be messy, especially when one of their drug kingpin husbands finds out.
After regaining his manliness, he escapes from hell Satan for embezzling Secretary of infernal hacienda, being chased by a couple of poor devils good for nothing, and took refuge in the cabaret ends up working as a transvestite.
When a group of friends stumble upon a murder and accidentally become entangled in a web of police corruption and drug trafficking, they must use their wit and humor to stay alive. With non-stop action and hilarious moments, Los verduleros 4 is a must-watch comedy that will keep you entertained from start to finish.
Roberto y su nueva familia estan pasando por dificultades economicas por lo que decide formar otra vez su vieja banda y comienzan a tratar de organizar algunos robos que resultan mal. La esposa de Roberto y su abuelita recurren al engaño disfrazandose de monjitas para poder vender galletas y rompope, sin embargo la abuelita hace de las suyas y se meten en problemas.
The most hilarious stories, featuring some new comedians and the best sexual comedy masters of all times.
In this second part, the devil (Alfonso Zayas) returns to earth in search of a cure for his loss of masculinity; while Gerardo (Jorge Rivero), the rich and handsome character, continues to seduce his beloved.
The Devil offers a man to help him if he can show him to love.