Hello everyone, I'm Maya the Bee! What do I love? Freedom! That's why I live in the meadow instead of the hive. I have a thousand and one adventures with my friends: Shelby snail, Max the worm ... and of course Willy! Willy is very lazy and greedy ... But he's my best friend. Together, we go on an many adventures! Let's go!
Germany in 1949: The residents of the Thuringian village Hunsdorf are still heavily influenced by archaic superstition and explain unusual events with preternatural powers. The same happens when pigs again and again disappear from different farmyards. The village residents firmly believe that witches are the reason for this mystery. Not even police detective Kühlemann who is sent to Hunsdorf is able to dissuade them from their superstition. Thus, the farmers think his investigation is aimless and they do not support him at all. With a lot of patience and well-made arguments he finally convinces little Peter that there are no witches. Next, Peter’s grandfather and teacher Marianne take Kühlemann’s side. With their support, the police detective eventually finds out the truth and is able to put a stop to the gang of crooks that had been stealing the pigs.
Unwiederbringlich (1968) is a drama movie based on a novel. It tells the story of...
Zweierlei Maß is a drama movie released in 1964. It is based on Shakespeare's play Measure for Measure.
Das Vergnügen, anständig zu sein is a gripping crime drama that explores the relentless pursuit of decency in a corrupt world. Set in 1960s Germany, the film follows the journey of a man who strives to uphold his principles amidst a web of crime and deceit.
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