Follow the adventures of Hawaii Five-O, a special state police force tasked with solving crimes and maintaining order in the beautiful island paradise of Hawaii. Led by the charismatic Detective Steve McGarrett, the team uses their unique skills, teamwork, and dedication to bring criminals to justice and protect the people of Hawaii.
In Hang 'em High, a former lawman named Jed Cooper is mistakenly identified as a cattle rustler and is hanged by a vigilante mob. He survives the hanging and seeks revenge on the men who falsely accused him. With the help of a marshal, Cooper goes on a mission to bring the men to justice and restore his own name.
A group of adventurers travels through the scorching desert in search of a legendary hidden stash of gold. They face the challenges of extreme heat, treacherous terrain, and rival groups as they race to claim the valuable treasure.
A man who is arrested for rape swears it wasn't him but somebody who looks just like him, but the victim insists it was him.
Steve Kostain, nephew of the owner, begins working at a steel mill to learn the business from the bottom up. He rooms with a steel working family, the McNamaras, and falls for the daughter, "Red", who is already involved with another steelworker. Although he is at first has a hard time with his co-workers, he eventually wins them over, and also wins the girl.
A young daughter of poor farmers is forced by her mother to ditch her young boyfriend in order to marry an old rich neighbor but the girl rebels by becoming the town's harlot.
A family tragedy causes a college football quarterback to re-think his goals in life.
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