When the modest butcher’s wife becomes a wealthy landowner, it immidiately goes to her head. With her new stuck-up attitude, she rejects the long-time butcher’s apprentice when he asks for her daughter’s hand in marriage. Fortunately, the poor butcher’s apprentice is friends with Pat and Patachon, who work in a circus and have experience with clownery. Together, they must fight fancy with silly, and ground the butcher’s wife’s aloofness, in the name of love! (Stumfilm.dk)
FRAGMENT | In the eyes of a jealous husband, a puppy is easily mistaken for an illegitimate child. Mr. Vibe wants nothing to do with the family’s new puppy and is thus unaware that Mrs. Vibe names the dog Ophelia. By a twist of fate, an orphaned child is left on the family’s doorstep. At the same time, Mr. Vibe discovers a letter with a plea to take care of little Ophelia. Jealousy consumes Mr. Vibe as he believes that this Ophelia must be his wife’s child born out of wedlock! (Stumfilm.dk)
Aage’s uncle wants him to drop out of law school to learn about farming on the family estate instead. At the same time, the uncle harbours a great desire for his nephew to fall in love with his daughter, Wilda. Aage has other plans, and besides, he is already in love with a young woman who attends the girls’ institute in the city. To get closer to her, he poses as a substitute teacher for the woman’s class. What he doesn’t know is that his dream woman and Wilda are one and the same person. Stumfilm.dk
In an idyllic Danish town lives grocery Frost, a very wealthy man, and his greatest wish is that his son Hans will become a lawyer and reach a very prestigious position. But Hans can't complete high school and don't like studying. His main interest is music, but this he must keep hidden because both his parents are against it.
Fyrtårnet and Bivognen are gardeners at a residence for young women. Here they are friends with budding actress Eva, but when the three reveal one evening during the performance of an illegal theater performance, they are kicked out. By detours, they get on board a schooner, where Fy and Bi play up to dance and get seasick, while Eva still has her course set against the sloping boards.
Although the twins Flora and Dora attend the School of Sculpture, their real calling lies in gymnastics. They decide to open an “Institute of Strength and Beauty”, which does not go down well with Uncle Brown, who finances their numerous business adventures. When he announces his arrival in town and demands to see the results from the School of Sculpture, they find themselves in a predicament. (stumfilm.dk)
Even though the Gommesens have been married for 25 years, they are still in love. They wake up happy on their silver wedding anniversary, but the peaceful atmosphere does not last. The couple ends up in a huge fight causing Mrs. Gommesen to leave the house in fury. Her husband’s anger quickly fades when Lawyer Vinkel makes a surprise visit, delivering a present from Gommesen’s rich uncle in Chicago: A check of 25.000 DKK. Learning that it can only be cashed on the condition, that the Gommesens lead a happy, peaceful life together, Mr. Gommesen rushes out to find his precious wife. Will he make it in time or is he forced to give up the fortune? (stumfilm.dk)
Escaping the moving day mess at home, Holm seeks refuge with a good friend. Many hours, and a lot of whisky, later, Holm mistakenly returns to his old address, where the new tenants have long since gone to bed. (stumfilm.dk)
Business partners Storch and Søndergaard are in for a very confusing day. The birthday child Storch reminds Søndergaard that it is his wedding day, which prompts Søndergaard to immediately send flowers home to his wife. In response, Mrs Søndergaard sends a lunch invitation to her husband as well as a birthday card to Storch. The cards become mixed up with befuddling consequences for both couples. (Stumfilm.dk)
The famous dancer Elva Marja is hotly pursued by man-of-the-world Henry Corner. He follows her from city to city, buying up all the theatre tickets so that she must perform for him alone, and besieges her house. Elva rejects him time and time again, but Henry’s passion can’t be restrained. One day, Elva is surprised by a burglar in her house. Henry happens to be nearby, so he sees his opportunity to finally win over the dancer’s heart. Stumfilm.dk
Three suitors swarm the singer Adelaide, two of which own millions, while the last one owns naught but wit. Miss Adelaide is offered a lucrative tour in America, but her contract already binds her to Europe. Only a hypothetical husband could cancel the Europe tour. Together with her suitors, Adelaide devises a plan – a marriage with an eight-day trial period with a handsome dowry! But neither millionaire will let the other one marry her. They both turn to the third man, Robert, whom they consider harmless. After the trial period, it turns out that no money will sway Robert’s love. (Stumfilm.dk)
Nokke and Jørgensen are tram railgrinders and good friends. Jørgensen drinks too much, while Nokke in vain urges his friend to give up the bottle. When Jørgensen ends up in hospital, Nokke shows up to talk some sense into his sick friend. Regrettably, Nokke is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and as he searches for the patient, the staff is led to believe that he should be admitted himself. Will he ever get to see Jørgensen? (stumfilm.dk)
Nikolajsen is shocked by the news that he has an adult daughter who lives in Jutland – where wild wolves wander! His friends – the baker, the butcher, the tailor and the shoemaker – are entranced by the honour and glory they would gain by venturing forth and exterminating the feral wolves. Unfortunately for their chances of success, Nikolajsen and Co. decide to hire Pat and Patachon as their hunting guides. And so the wolf hunters will probably end up chasing their own tails for a while before Nikolajsen can be reunited with his daughter. (Stumfilm.dk)
On a magnificent estate on the coast of Scania live a landowner, his wife, their daughter and a temporary lodger, baron. The lord and lady of the house eagerly try to bring the baron into the family as their son-in-law, but neither the baron nor their daughter, Eva, seem particularly interested. Eva is a bit of a wildcat who spends her days roaming the countryside and play fighting with her male friends, while the baron yearns for the urban sophistication of the city life from which he came. When an old friend, the celebrated actress Aspesia, invites him to attend some nearby film shoots, he doesn’t hesitate for a second. However, the letter from Aspesia ends up in the hands of two wandering knife grinders, Pat and Patachon, who soon find a way to use the letter’s contents to their own advantage. (Stumfilm.dk)
The old Italian Guido Bruzzio and his granddaughter Mona have ended up in one of the big cities in the Nordic countries, where he runs a plaster business. He has found a couple of tenacious helpers who go to work with life and desire.
In a small café in Copenhagen, Fy and Bi meet a very sad young man, Per, who is in love with a young girl, Ellen, but her father has taken her on a trip to make her forget Per, and he doesn't know , where she has gone. Fy and Bi, who live in a moving van, become very good friends with Per and promise to help him. At night, while the two sleep, their "house" is put on a train and now rolls off quickly to something quite unknown. When Fy and Bi finally manage to get out of the wagon, they have reached Norway, where the snow is high all over the country, and there are no houses nearby. On their hike, they suddenly find a young girl who has fallen on her skis and passed out. They have her brought to a cabin and she soon comes to herself again. Fy and Bi are overjoyed when the young girl turns out to be Ellen.(stumfilm.dk)
Three bachelors vow to ban women from their fraternity – and immediately break their promise when Nelly needs help. Nelly’s father, the champion boxer Bømann, doesn’t approve of her engagement to her boyfriend Tobby. She runs away from home in protest and seeks refuge with the three bachelors. After Bømann tracks down Nelly’s hiding place, it’s all down to a matter of how much of a beating the three unlikely rescuers can take before Tobby comes to the rescue. (Stumfilm.dk)