After a robbery on a cash-in-transit truck, the driver Omar Abdallah suddenly disappeared. There is also no trace of the 7.5 million euros. After Omar was captured by the investigators in Brazil, he is send to jail in Hamburg. Omar gets a lot of visitors there: family, friends, his lawyer and the police - they all want to know what happened to the loot. The hunt for money is on, and every means seems right.
Marc Deville is an acclaimed author of erotic literature. In his personal life, however, physical closeness with the opposite sex eludes him. Being a porn addict, his sexuality is narrowly defined by the framed images he can masturbate to. One day he meets Justine, a nurse with a fetish of her own: her love for erotic asphyxiaton has estranged her from her husband Eric, a theatre director...
Frida unexpectedly falls pregnant and Felix, the father of her child, breaks up with her to reunite with his ex using methods which are absurd, exaggerated and often hilarious.
In view of her success, Stella mutated into a cynical, critic-resistant alpha woman who has banished her family to a sideline. Shortly after her 60th birthday, she has an accident and can suddenly hear what those around think of her.
The body of Henry Budde is recovered from Lake Constance. Elena Barin and Achim Schatz begin a race against time when they discover that Stefan, the murdered man's son, has also disappeared. At the same time, independently of the murder investigation, Moritz Muhl, who has been injured in the head, is found in a hotel. He has no recollection of the events of the past few days. While the detectives are puzzling over whether Muhl is the perpetrator or the victim, they receive an anonymous tip: another victim is said to have been buried alive in a box in a forest. It's Stefan - and they have less than 24 hours to save him. When Elena and Achim come across a 30-year-old corpse, the confusion is complete. What role does Moritz Muhl, who suffers from amnesia, really play in Budde's murder and Stefan's kidnapping?
The private detective Hartwig Seeler gets an assignment from his former colleague Tascha.
A foreign assignment leads private detective Hartwig Seeler to the wildly romantic coast of the Peloponnese peninsula - and into the maelstrom of a mysterious case that confronts him with his own vulnerability.
The missing person case of a young woman leads Seeler to a Croatian island to a mysterious connection that uses hypnosis to treat people with mental trauma. The investigator experiences for himself how dangerous "false" memories that feel "real" can be when he dives into his subconscious.
Anne falls in love with the Jewish doctor Daniel. Since he is not Jewish, he allows himself to be coached accordingly in order to keep up appearances. Every attempt by Daniel to clear up the misunderstanding achieves the opposite. Eventually he capitulates because he doesn't want to lose Anne. Tobias has to help him.
At the bottom of a lake, the police find a car with a wax corpse in the trunk. It is 15-year-old boarding school student Alex, who has been missing for five years. With the sad certainty that she has been murdered, the case, which should have been closed, takes a completely new turn. Her teacher, the charismatic Hajo Rick, convicted of her murder on the basis of circumstantial evidence and witness statements, could be innocent after all! When the ambitious defence lawyer Sophia Dreyer obtains a retrial, the former investigator finds himself in trouble: Chief Inspector Kai Matzen now has to throw the certainties of the past overboard - and realize that he is more personally involved than he would like. Sophia also suspects that she can't trust anyone. And what if it was Hajo Rick after all? Dreyer and Matzen investigate independently of each other, each in their own interest, and reconstruct Alex's last hours. In the process, they uncover an intrigue.
Trapped in the wrong body, Eileen wants to finally start living her life as a girl tomorrow. But today her best friend Ella throws a good-bye party for Eileen's old self Leon. The party turns into desaster when no one shows up. The two friends decide to confront the guests who didn't show and dive into an absurd odyssey thru town that changes everything.
A son visits his father at his farm. While slaughtering a lamb, shortly before the son’s departure, the long-term alienation between the two comes to light. An accident occurs which briefly opens the possibility of a new beginning.
Lena Fauch, a determined woman, is torn between seeking forgiveness or seeking revenge for a crime committed against her. As she navigates through a maze of emotions and moral dilemmas, she discovers the true meaning of justice.
Judith is a doctor who is very committed to her profession. Aiming to become a cardiologist, she performs part of her residency in a chronically understaffed hospital emergency room. During a particularly difficult shift, she makes a mistake that causes the death of a patient. Judith is devastated and doubts whether she is suited to the profession. Her fellow doctors, including her partner Mark, advise her to just carry on as before. While Judith’s actions are investigated, she is assigned to ambulance duty. Being in a new environment and having some distance to the clinical routine allow her to see things in a new light.
To finally stand on her own two feet, a young woman breaks off contact with her parents and fights alone to keep her self-sustaining farm. As winter sets in and the calving of her pregnant cow draws ever closer, loneliness and a longing for security and family grow. A story about cutting the umbilical cord.
Ein Mann wird mitsamt seinem Schiff im Bodensee versenkt, der Sohn des Toten wird vermisst. Für die Kommissare ist er der Hauptverdächtige. Bis ein anonymer Hinweis auf einen in einer Kiste versteckten Gefangenen auftaucht... Im zweiten Film der Reihe "Seeland - Ein Krimi vom Bodensee" haben die neue Chefin Elena Barin und der ortsansässige Achim Schatz eine verwickelte Geschichte aufzuklären und müssen gleichzeitig ausloten, wie ihre Zusammenarbeit laufen kann, denn angesichts der konzentriert-gelassenen Elena Barin fühlt Achim Schatz sich ausgebremst. Das Drehbuch schrieben Stefanie Veith und Michael Comtesse, Regie führte wie beim ersten Krimi vom Bodensee Holger Haase. Die beeindruckenden Bilder stammen von Kamerafrau Lena Katharina Krause. Ein Schiff mit einer festgebundenen Leiche wird aus dem Bodensee geborgen. Ein Fall für Elena Barin und Achim Schatz, denn Henry Budde wurde offensichtlich vorsätzlich erschlagen. Womöglich von seinem Sohn Stefan Eisel. Der wohnte mit dem Vater zusammen und erweist sich als spurlos verschwunden. Nicht das einzige Rätsel für die Konstanzer Ermittler, denn in einem Hotel der Stadt wacht ein Gast blutüberströmt auf. Der Mann ist auch seelisch in einem schlechten Zustand - und kann sich nicht mehr erinnern, wer er ist und was mit ihm geschah. Eingecheckt als Moritz Muhl ist ihm selbst sein Name fremd geworden. Gemeinsam mit Britta Heinemann und Hanno Kienle versuchen Elena und Achim zu ergründen, ob der verletzte Muhl Opfer eines Verbrechens wurde oder selbst eines begangen hat. Gleichzeitig erhalten sie eine erschreckende anonyme Nachricht. Der vermisste Stefan Eisel sei der Mann in der Kiste und habe nur noch so lange zu leben, wie der Akku durchhält, der für Frischluft sorgt. Was mittlerweile höchstens noch 18 Stunden sind. In einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit werden alle Anstrengungen unternommen, Stefan Eisel rechtzeitig zu finden. Dabei muss Elena dem unter Druck stehenden Achim mehr als einmal klarmachen, dass er sie als Chefin zu akzeptieren und sich an ihre Ermittlungstaktik zu halten hat. Wozu auch gehört, keine voreiligen Schlüsse über den gedächtnislosen Moritz Muhl zu ziehen. Denn auch wenn die Kommissare erkennen, dass die Fälle Eisel und Muhl zusammengehören, sind sie zunächst noch weit davon entfernt, die dahinterliegende Geschichte zu durchschauen.
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