The story of an orphaned girl brought up by the Storlein family. Young Anne (Asta Nielsen) is brought as an infant to the Storlein farm by her mother, who has been traveling and is in need of a rest. The two are turned away at the door, and the mother takes her young daughter to the barn to sleep. The farmhand Jon discovers them in the morning but the mother has not made it through the night, so young Anne is taken in and raised by the family.
An orphan, Josefa, runs away from her threatening uncle with whom she is living, and stows away on traveller Fændrik's boat. She is no better off with him, however, as he forces himself on her and makes her steal and beg for a living. Meanwhile Fændrik's sister, who has been left penniless on shore by her deceitful brother, joins forces with Josefa's fiancé, Oscar, in a search for the missing pair.
Filmen foregår i en tid preget av hungersnød. Norge har vært i krig med England og Sverige og tidene er vanskelige. Gjest Baardsen har kommet i klammeri med loven, visstnok på grunn av en bagatell. Men Gjest bryter seg ut, i stedet er det lensmannen som blir låst fast med håndjern. Og Gjest flykter stadig med lensmenn og godtfolk på slep.
In Norway in the 1600s, An-Magritt is born as the result of a rape.
The film is based on the story The Emperor Felix written by Gustav Aagaard, rewritten for the film by Gunnar Nilsen-Vig, who also photographed the film. Rasmus Breistein directed the film.
Trysil-Knut is a Norwegian film from 1942. Directed by veteran Rasmus Breistein and is a ski themed melodrama about the legendary skier Trysil-Knut from Trysil. He is a powerful patriot, who in the early 1800s prevent that a war breaks out between Norway and Sweden using his skiing skills. While that goes on Knut is also preparing a court case of fraud to determine the ownership of his fathers old farm.
In Rørland in the South of Norway the ship monger's daughter is in love with her childhood friend salve to her father's dislike. Salve goes out at sea and misses her, but get no answers to his letters from abroad.
The film is often referred to as a «labor film», because it is one of several film dramas from the 1930s that the Norwegian labor movement supported and which should give the audience an understanding of the labor movement's politics.
On a farm in east-Norway lives Jonas Værn. He befriends a traveling finn Ahti who tells about his lost love and the man that took it from him. Ahti is later accused of murdering that fellow traveler....
David has just been released from the prison. He meets the prostitute Maggi and follows her home. They decide to start a new life together and move to the countryside.
The story tells of the many misadventures, some comical, and trials and tribulations that Bør Børson, Jr. has to go through and endure in proving himself a citizen worthy enough to marry the squire's daughter.
Young Tone's uncle gets the much poorer young man Tellef sent out to sea after they fall in love. They pledge to never marry anyone else, but one day Tellef recieves a letter saying Tone is soon to marry the police chief.
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