Increased screen time, excessive robotisation, the reign of the car, home delivery... At a time when new technologies are making sedentary lifestyles more explosive than ever, here's a look at some initiatives designed to get us moving again.
Fasciae, hidden connective tissues, are largely unstudied parts of our anatomy. What role do they play in the organism? And could a better understanding of them help in finding a cure for back pain?
Strasbourg was home to one of three Reich Universities founded by the Nazis, known as a project close to Hitler's heart. The university, founded in 1941, is infamous for the human experiments performed on KZ prisoners by the professors of the medical faculty. What did its dean, Johannes Stein, grandfather of documentarian Kirsten Esch, know of these crimes?
It is the male sex hormone par excellence. A man ruled by testosterone is said to be selfish and ready to take any risk. But is this bad reputation justified?
In 2020, the contraceptive pill will be 60 and has revolutionized the relationship between the sexes. The Pill brought freedom, but today more and more women are seeking freedom from the Pill. And they ask: Why is there no pill for men? Scientists all over the world are doing research on the Pill for Men - and in the end there is a surprising discovery: hormonal and non-hormonal contraception for men has been around for a long time. And it has been used successfully for 50 years.
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