Cabaret is a drama musical set in 1930s Berlin during the Weimar Republic, a time of political unrest and the rise of Nazi ideology. The story follows an entertainer named Sally Bowles, a master of ceremonies at the Kit Kat Klub, and her complex relationships with a British writer and a German man. As the political climate deteriorates, their lives are affected by the rise of the Hitler Youth, anti-semitism, and the increasing control of the Nazi Party.
The third part of Paul May′s "08/15" trilogy based on the novel by Hans Hellmut Kirst takes place shortly before the end of World War II: In the spring of 1945, the German troops are practically defeated, and the battalion of Kowalski, major general von Plönnies and Asch who had risen to the rank of lieutenant in the meantime is left to its own devices to a large extent. They hope to be able to wait for the end of the war without having to encounter any combat operations. At the same time, Asch tries to prevent high-level Nazi officers from disappearing unnoticed and from cashing in on the chaotic circumstances.
Life in the barracks, drill, harassment, and private Asch′s pranks are the ingredients of Hans Hellmut Kirst′s successful novel "08/15" (the number of an Army regulation). Shortly before the outbreak of World War II: Private Asch and gunner Vierbein belong to the same unit but could not be more contrary. The instructors use every opportunity to bully the clumsy Vierbein with erratic corporal Platzek leading the way. The harassment starts with minor extra duties but soon the methods become more and more brutal. Finally, Asch comes to Vierbein′s help and takes on his superiors. Joachim Fuchsberger stars in his first major role.
Satan’s Brew is a dark comedy that follows the absurd and chaotic life of a poet. Struggling with a creative crisis, financial problems, and the loss of his wife, the poet navigates through a world filled with narcissism, megalomania, and plagiarism. Along the way, he encounters various eccentric characters and gets caught up in bizarre situations. With its farcical elements and satirical undertones, Satan’s Brew showcases the absurdity of life and society.
The wife of the Swedish Ambassador of Greece becomes involved in a romantic triangle, but the man who comes between husband and wife has a preference for the husband.
It is about brawls, prostitution, a prison escapee, murder and manslaughter. The film wants to be documentary, the director himself appears as moderator and interviewer.
An officer and a count who live in opposite ends of the same castle bet each other who will be the first to bed their respective new 'virgin' maid. The winner will get ownership of the castle. In order to attain his goal, the officer ignores his lusty fiancee but she soon finds a luitenant to turn her attention to. Eventually a whole stable of local prostitutes gets in on the act.
After the death of his mother, a lonely farmer in rural Switzerland considers finally starting a family of his own. Eventually he pays for a bride from Thailand. The couple don't share a language, but being to know each other. However the village neighbors are suspicious of foreigners.
Workers of a journey company state about guys and females who pass their vacation time just by sexual enjoyment, which is shown overly thorough and commented on.
Sigrid and Yann are cousins, and in love with each other. A medical student, Jean marries Léna, who gives him a child, but he dies accidentally. Desperate, Yann finds Sigrid in their childhood home in Savoy. Afraid of seeing their passion revive, he decides to leave with Léna for Africa.
German musical with Caterina Valente and Peter Alexander.
In a small town a bag with delicate letters disappears. Many of the residents are worried about their written messages. A clever sculptor uses the opportunity to play a prank.