Patito Feo is a comedy-drama TV show that follows the life of a teenage girl as she deals with the ups and downs of high school, romance, and the drama of a telenovela. With multiple storylines, perspectives, and time frames, Patito Feo is a satirical and parody-filled musical soap opera that will keep audiences entertained and laughing throughout.
La banda del Golden Rocket was a 1991 Argentine TV series.
Abzurdah is a movie based on the true story of a teenage girl who falls in love with an older man. The relationship becomes obsessive and destructive, leading the girl to develop anorexia and engage in self-destructive behavior. Set in the 1990s in Argentina, the film explores themes of love, obsession, and coming-of-age.
Juan Conte is a world-renowned spokesman of the new atheism. After suffering a heart attack, he receives a transplant and a change in his personal life begins, opening up to the possibility of being in a couple for the first time. Juan will go on a journey of horror and pain, in which his vision of reality will be put to the test.
La Casa del Mar (The house by the Sea) is the story of the disappearance of Laura Ramos, Pelaza's research and it's consequences. But it is also the story of Daniel and his friends, their secrets, their resentment. The plot will become more complex as the investigation proceeds. Is Laura alive? Why are there so many secrets? What's Daniel hiding?
The Diamantes are a clasic mid class family from Buenos Aires. There's Miguel (Suiar), his wife Elisa (Diaz) and their three children: Lara (19yo), Tobi (18) and Mia (15). Their lives are quiet and peaceful, however everything is going to change when they meet Fabiana (Bertotti).
The story tells the experiences of four modern parents Favio Carbonetti (Luciano Castro), Ignacio Moreno (Joaquín Furriel), Franco Bertossi (Luciano Cáceres) and Mauro de Leone (Peto Menahem) and attractive friends who become friends by sharing daily talks at the door of your children's Kindergarten.
In a wealthy gated community in Argentina, the lives of several women are intertwined as they navigate through the challenges of marriage, widowhood, and the consequences of a violent crime. When a dead body is found in a swimming pool, the women join forces to uncover the truth, revealing the hidden darkness beneath their seemingly idyllic lives.
Animal is a darkly comedic movie that follows the story of a man who, after encountering a pregnant woman and a homeless person, gets caught up in a series of chaotic events. The movie explores themes of family, violence, and conservatism, and provides a unique blend of dark humor and drama. With its one-take shot style and intense plot, Animal offers a thrilling experience for viewers.
Laura is spending a few days at her beach house to supervise the construction of a barbecue shed. One afternoon, she seduces the chief builder, who never returns. Over the following days, the builders continually invade her home – until Laura grows ferocious.
Nina, Ailén and Fernando are an actress, a producer and a director who want to shoot and independent feature film in Argentina.
Thirty four year old Goyo, a former open water swimming champion, has been hiding out in the desert. Wrongly accused of doping in the Santa Fe-Coronda Marathon, a 57 kilometer river swim, he has abandoned his career and his dreams. Eight years later, Goyo returns to Santa Fe where the marathon will be held again to try to re-gain his title and clear his name. However, long buried emotions come back to haunt him. He meets Chino, a stubborn and disciplined pool swimmer, who tries hard to be selected for the national team, but fails. Identifying with Chino, Goyo asks him to be his guide on the boat that follows him during the marathon.
How far would you go to make an independent film? When a director, a producer, and an actress unite to realize their dream of making their first feature, there are no limits in what they are willing to do to accomplish that goal. Stolen locations, amateur work teams, the worst filming conditions, anything goes, even mutual betrayal. The outcome will surprise everyone. Third installment of the Upa! series.