An intriguing Hans Christian Anderson-style fairy tale aesthetic and voice over narration. Sudden Wealth is a despairing chronicle of a group of starving peasants who finally seize governmental wealth like a dysfunctional group of Robin Hood's Merry Men, only to be betrayed by their inescapable selves and systematically dehumanized (think bucolic Orwell) and reprogrammed by what we'll put under the rubric of God and Country.
A man comes to a small village to begin his new job as an attendant at the nearby castle. But everybody in the village claims that he surely must be mistaken, there is no need for an attendant at the castle.
Peter Pan is a mischievous boy who can fly and who never grows up. He spends his never-ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland with his fairy friend Tinker Bell and a group of lost boys. However, their idyllic existence is threatened by the villainous Captain Hook and his pirate crew.
The film focuses on life in a World War II German penal battalion camp somewhere in Russia. The convicts include a heroic doctor unjustly convicted of avoiding military service, an officer who retreated against orders, and common criminals. It shows their life in the camp, clearing mines, living in trenches on the front line.
Halali oder Der Schuß ins Brötchen is a comedy movie released in 1995. It revolves around the story of a hunter who experiences various mishaps and funny encounters after suffering a stroke. The film combines elements of satire and comedy to portray the protagonist's journey in a humorous manner.
Seit 999 Jahre lebt der Berggeist Rübezahl tief unter der Erde im Riesengebirge. Niemand hat ihn seither gesehen. Doch als er erfährt, dass die Menschen nicht mehr an ihn glauben und dass Habgier und Ungerechtigkeit herrschen, steigt der Herr der Berge hinab ins Tal, um den Menschen mit seinen Zauberkräften eine Lektion zu erteilen. Einen Knecht, der sein altes Pferd zu Tode schindet, spannt er vor den Wagen und gibt ihm die Peitsche. Das Gold des reichen und geizigen Vetters Klaus verwandelt der Berggeist in Steine. Auf seiner Wanderung hungrig geworden, kehrt Rübezahl in Gestalt eines Fuhrmanns in einen Gasthof ein. Als der gefräßige Wirt ihm vor lauter Gier die Hälfte der bestellten Rühreier vom Teller nascht, fordert Rübezahl die bereits bezahlten Eier zurück...
In a small town, several children mysteriously disappear, leading to the uncovering of deep-seated secrets. The community is left devastated as dark pasts are exposed, and the search for the missing children becomes a race against time.
Taiga is a gripping drama set in a small town, revolving around the lives of a dedicated doctor and a mysterious woman. As their paths intertwine, they become entangled in a web of secrets, love, and unexpected twists. This local blockbuster offers a powerful exploration of human emotions and the complexities of relationships.