After a mid-air collision, an uncontrollable passenger plane with 90 souls on board speeds through the skies over Germany. The impact point for the inevitable plane crash is easily calculated: the center of Berlin. Now the race is on to prevent the catastrophe. Will the plane have to be shot down by fighter pilots?
The fact that Rudolph Moshammer is a dazzling figure and the most prominent fashion designer in Munich is no longer enough for his silent partners and financiers. So it happens that he is looking for a seductive woman to sell and - to the horror of his mother - brings on the young pedicurist Evi from Augsburg, of all places. With Evi's help, Mosahmmer wins the hearts and purses of the truly rich - if it weren't for his mother, who is scheming in the background. A fictional story that tells of beauty and money, but also of the friendship of two outsiders in Munich in 1983.
Under the slogan of the arms race of the superpowers, which escalates in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and brings the world to the brink of nuclear war, two exemplary post-war male figures challenge an almost archaic feud: Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss and journalist Rudolf Augstein.
Julia Whitman and her daughter Jody flee their husband and father’s violence to a doomsday paradise. Julia meets Matthey Haley in New Zealand and falls in love despite her inner resistance. However, the shadows of the past will not let you forget. Julia's ex-husband, Charles, who follows in the footsteps of his wife and daughter, shows up on the island.
Preoccupied with her virginity, which distinguishes her from her peers, 17-year-old Saskia secretly dreams of dating Christophe, the star of the school and a musician to boot. As she is new to love, her fairy godmother takes the form of Hannes, a new gay neighbor, and sets about educating her. But Hannes also falls under Christophe's spell.
Lydia and Vincent Lufft adopted the now 10-year-old Marie, so Vincent has better career prospects at the very child-friendly Henderson Games. But Marie forges with her friend Nick a plan: they want to fake a kidnapping to get away from the adoptive parents. To find the alleged abducted Marie Max Hoch, expert of a security company, consulted. Max himself does not want to have children unlike his girlfriend. He soon finds out that the abduction can only be faked. However, when Heinz Michelin, a friend of the family who wants to pay Marie's debt back with the reward, urges to help with the kidnapping, he brings with him two real hijackers. Max brings Marie to his unsuspecting girlfriend Karo to protect her. In the meantime, Max is himself suspected by the police to have kidnapped Marie. Only with a trap can he prove his innocence.
After the surprising death of her mother, budding artist Josefine hastily leaves the city of Munich and moves to an old, abandoned dairy farm in the countryside. She also escapes from her friend Simon, who, contrary to his assurances, has still not separated from his wife. And Josefine finally wants to find out who her father was. Her mother had left the village and raised Josefine in the city.
A princess falls in love with a paparazzo who is using her to become famous.
At Christmas, the four Maillinger siblings want to spend quality time together in peace and quiet. That's why Miriam, who is now heavily pregnant, invited Anna, Vince and Tom, with their families, to her boyfriend's farm. This project threatens to fail because her unpredictable father Karl appears uninvited in the idyllic wasteland because he is on the run from tax investigators.
Actually, the Maillingers just want to celebrate the christening of their youngest family member — but then everything turns out differently than expected...
Alleinerziehende Mutter Leslie geht aus lauter Verzweiflung eine Scheinehe mit Koofi ein, der seinen Job als Computerfachmann aufgrund einer Flaute in der Branche verloren hat und damit auch seine Blue Card. Ein Beamter der Ausländerbehörde jedoch schöpft verdacht. Nun müssen Koofi und Leslie alles daran legen, eine glaubwürdige Ehe vorzuspielen.
The firefighter Erik wants to make a proposal to his girlfriend Sofie, but at the crucial moment sparkles the attractive Melissa in between. When Sofie learns that Erik had a fleeting affair with Melissa on Carnival, a world collapses for her. But the two gather again, as Erik promises high and holy that such a thing will never happen again. To underline the seriousness of his intentions, he makes her an unconventional offer: he "gives" her an infidelity. He should not have done that, because suddenly he threatens to lose Sofie to his best friend.