The Rev. William Morris is the director of a small church near a state penitentiary. He is convinced that a criminal is only a good man gone wrong. Dr. Bishop, a friend of the minister, has made a life-long study of this very subject. The doctor has a daughter whom the minister loves and to whom he is engaged.
Prof. Jaquin Delano joins a circus to study practical zoology. Old man Cummings is the guardian of Anita, a beautiful girl. Cummings rages because the circus tents are pitched too near his palatial home. Anita visits the menagerie tent, sees Jaquin and is impressed with his kind treatment of the wild beasts.
Apparent carelessness causes Conductor Lawton and his train crew to be laid off for thirty days. A gang of car thieves, pursued by police, jump aboard a freight, and after a stiff combat, succeed in throwing the crew off the speeding train to the ground.
"Bullets" Brown, the hero of our story, is a rare track tout, and a true type or this particular parasite.
Jim Thaw runs an isolated general store in California. He occupies a position as agent for the Great Eastern Express Company, which in the west is a day job. One day the stage drives up and deposits a money box with Thaw with instructions from the general manager of the Great Eastern that it is to be held with him over night, adding that he must keep a careful watch as it is reported that Buck Brady, an outlaw, has been seen skulking in the vicinity of Thaw's store.
Brian Godfrey and Arnold Lambert are clerks in the diamond broker's office, both interested in Mildred St. Pierre, the daughter of an old employee. For a while she is impartial but Arnold is too impetuous in his addresses and she repulses him. Gilbert Howell, a traveling salesman of the firm, puts into the vault a sealed package containing valuable private papers. On the same day is placed in the vault, a number of fine uncut stones in a similar package. When Howard starts on his usual tour, he takes from the vault what he thinks are his papers. That same evening, old St. Pierre, recalling the fact of leaving some very important papers on his desk is worried and decides to make sure by going back to the office alone to place them in the vault.
A Western Woman's Way is a 1910 Western
Communicating with his pals outside, Daly informs them as to the date upon which he is to be taken from the jail to State's prison. Kling, the head of the gang, arranges to hold up the train carrying Daly and effect the man's rescue.
Tony Perez, a Mexican cowpuncher, is driven from the ranch where he is employed for some misdemeanor or other, and after vainly endeavoring to find work, tries the gate of Dan Farman's ranch, "The Mosquito," and applies for a job. His hard luck story rings true and old Dan, who is of a charitable turn, puts the Mexican to work.
A peasant girl sent to make a claim on her family's ancestral home in England's Wessex is seduced and left with child by its current owner.
Tony, a half-breed Mexican is kicked from pillar to post, but he grasps a chance for revenge on society when he peers through the station window and sees Helen, the operator at Lone Point, opening the express company bag containing a valuable shipment to a local rancher.
"The Open Track" is a short action film from the action series of short films "The Hazards of Helen". This is episode 63 from a total of 119 weekly one reel films produced by Kalem. Helen's cleverness exposes a band of counterfeiters who later succeed in turning the tables on the railroad detectives and tying the two men to the cowcatcher of a train which they then start off down the grade. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2010.
#61 in the Hazards of Helen series
Herbert Mills, a young chap from the east, with his partner, Walter Daniels, an experienced miner, are about to set out on a prospecting trip through the mountains.
Beaten by Dun and Corson, Trent is hurled unconscious to the tracks. Helen, who witnesses the attack, drags Trent from the rails just in time to save him from death beneath the wheels of an oncoming train. When the tramp revives, he accompanies his rescuer back to the station.
Sterling and Ella steal a jewelry salesman's sample bag and make their getaway by boarding a passenger train. Word is flashed ahead to Helen, who in turn notifies Bowring, a railroad detective. The train is flagged.
Arizona Pete, typical bad man, is the hero of the story.
In this episode everything goes wrong. Helen ends up on the rear observation deck of a runaway express train with the door to the inside closed, with the air-brake of the engine damaged, the engine itself full of steam and inaccessible, and the train speeding ahead on the wrong track.
A shot during a struggle, and Frank Morrison is branded with the mark of Cain, but by his own efforts the real murderer is discovered.
The story is of an old man and his daughter, he so addicted to gambling that they are penniless. Because of her beauty and her pleadings the gambler gives back the money the old man has lost and thenceforth refuses to allow him to play in his place. Later he assists in preventing the old man from gambling elsewhere.