Katerina, who was always afraid of death, when she finds out that she has only six months to live, immediately overcomes her inhibitions and self-limitations and finally begins to enjoy life.
The events of this film, spanning from the very first moments after the Occupation until the first years of the 1980s. In those years, which are crucial for Greek History, the adventurous path of a poor family is illustrated, that’s slowly going to end up filthy rich. The members of the aforesaid family found out the hard way, that money cannot buy happiness.
' Red string tied, wrapped in the creel, please turn kicks tale n'archinisei 'used to say older before they start their tales. But Knit Red Thread of Costas Charalambous does not narrate a tale but a nightmare that haunts the Greek history for more than 60 year. The nightmare of civil war.
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