Vladimir Kovalenko is one of those businessmen who "made themselves." He has everything you can only dream of: a well-established business, a beautiful lover, fame. But he does not know his real name and surname: he is a foundling, he received the nickname "Bourgeois" back in the orphanage - for knowing the value of money since childhood.
A rich heiress, Maria Sorokina, goes missing after a quarrel with her husband. Boris Novinsky, head of the police station, entrusts this case to a young detective, yesterday's intern, Alina Novinskaya, his daughter. It turns out that a maniac who strangles and disfigures young women who look like Maria Sorokina operates in the town. The search for Maria brings her husband, Mark, and Alina together. Seven years later, Alina and Mark have a strong family. But one day, Mark goes on a business trip and meets there a woman who looks like his missing wife, Maria, like two peas in a pod. Mark is unable to master the feelings that have overwhelmed him again and leaves Alina for a woman who so frighteningly resembles his late first wife. Meanwhile murders of young women are renewed in the town - a mysterious maniac, already forgotten by everyone, goes hunting again. Alina, abandoned by her husband, returns to the police work and the search for a maniac, which leads her to a shocking discovery.
The main character of the series is the ambulance doctor Oleg Samarin. Friends and colleagues call him Samara. A rebel and an upstart, he argues with his superiors, makes jokes about colleagues and patients, and breaks all the rules and regulations! But Samara gets away with everything. He is a surgeon from God! Every day Samara and his team (paramedic Lena and driver Mikhalych) help people. Oleg’s patients are a motley gallery of characters and destinies, and sometimes Samara has to treat not only their bodies, but also their souls. But Samara himself has something to hide... Samara has a secret, the disclosure of which threatens him with the loss of his favorite job. But, as they say, everything secret comes out someday...
Without sleep, the human body can not exist forever. In one of the underground casinos, more like a secret club, they play only the richest, the most influential and ... the most sated. Those who are willing to put a fortune on red, if it is red - blood. For them, and was created a new tote, based on the game "Insomnia", which is held only once a year. The casino customers risk millions by betting, but the players risk much more.
A bright and independent lawyer in her thirties suffers from amnesia and is told that now she's twenty years old.
A producer and director of a western are trying to finish filming despite very low budget.
Что же такого страшного и непостижимого может произойти с участниками съёмок фильма, если привлечь в спонсоры владельца казино, крутого парня Гришу? Оказывается очень даже много чего. Особенно, если у Гриши есть «милая» и любвеобильная девушка, которая влюбляется в актёра, играющего главного героя фильма. И к тому же кто-то, прямо на съёмочной площадке, похищает чемоданчик со спонсорскими долларами …
Alexandre is a young medical student who is holidaying at his uncle's country home for the summer. He begins a lustful love affair with his cousin Sonia, but his attentions quickly rift towards her beautiful Polish friend, Nathalie.
Russian remake of a famous French movie.
Drunk major Anton Losev knocks down a schoolgirl at a pedestrian crossing, a girl in a coma. The case is led by investigator Olga Vishnevetskaya. The powerful Losev family hopes to easily hush up the case by "buying" the investigator. However, Vishnevetskaya does not make any compromises. Three years ago, the same drunk major knocked her husband to death. Now Olga is doing everything to make Anton Losev go to jail.
Fate brings the heroine together with different men, but her novels are unhappy: one lover returns to his homeland in Egypt, the other dies in a car accident. There is still hope for a third. Maybe we'll get lucky with him?..
Говорить о том, что ревность - это чувство, недостойное интеллигентного человека, может только тот, кто когда не ревновал. На самом деле, от этого мучительного чувства не застрахован никто. Даже такой умный, успешный и состоятельный человек, как Антон, глава крупного медиахолдинга. К тому же оснований для ревности у него более, чем достаточно - жена подолгу не бывает дома, и явно скрывает, где и с кем проводит время. А тут еще друг рассказывает о таинственном брачном агентстве, которое подстраивает знакомства молодых женщин с богатыми холостяками. Причем именно при таких обстоятельствах, которые когда-то свели Антона с Ольгой, его нынешней женой. Чтобы узнать правду, Антон готов на все: организовать слежку за женой, собрать подробную информацию о таинственном агентстве. Когда цель "проверки", казалось бы, достигнута, Антон вдруг понимает, что на самом деле он проверял самого себя…