Animation film about a friendship between young Wolfy and Kapitoshka. Wolfy tries to learn how to be scary and threatening. But then he meets a drop of rain, Kapitoshka, which makes him realize that it is not necessary to be scary.
A wolf cub misses his friend Kapitoshka and wants to see him again and have fun with him. Kapitoshka is an unusual creature that is completely made of the water, which wears a funny beret and loves to sing and play. A letter brought by a crow will help shed light on whether Kapitoshka will be able to return to the wolf.
Poor Mikola came to the fair, but he has no money, only dreams and a cheerful disposition. On the way home, he got caught in the rain and took refuge in a terrible house, where he met with the ghost miller.
The dragon Horynych attacks ordinary Ukrainian village residents. He takes young men and women, leaving only senior villagers. But a young boy named Kotyhoroshko decides to confront the dreadful Dragon. First, he needs to get appropriate weapons and call his friends warriors…
A mischievous cat felt like a real master of the house. He drove the birds, liked to lie in the sun, and when he saw the mice rejoicing in the attic, he already imagined that he will soon have hearty lunch. But the mice were united and agile, so they will be able to stand up for themselves and fight back the cunning and high-handed cat.
Humorous tales about the life of a little boy. About how he was born without a father and mother, how he was hit by a snow lying on the oven in his hut, how he walked into the woods being a kid, and the miraculous things he had seen there. In his fantasies he could fly, make friends with birds, climb trees, and most importantly – do it all in infancy and without looking at anyone else. Based on poems by Stepan Rudanskyi.
Ukrainian folktale telling the story of how the sly fox tricked on village people and how they finally avenged themselves.
The story about the Kangaroo, which helped the Platypus to find and get the cloud. And the cloud was formed from a lake that evaporated.
Based on Ukrainian folk tales. The crow king stole the only ox, without which a poor rural family cannot do, so Ivanko decided to free it.
A satirical and insightful story telling that that man creates the space around and can make a terrible place even from heaven. Thus, Adam and Eve fall there where nature blooms, unusual and rare species of birds are singing, and plants are fragrant. But these two manage to destroy the creatures living there turn the fruit of the apple tree into a self-made alcohol.
Once a potter made a pot that could laugh. Whoever takes it in their hands immediately starts laughing.
Man went to the forest to collect bird eggs from nests - there are such collectors. He brought one egg home and put it in a fur hat under a light bulb. And a very cute... snake hatched from the testicle!
Little Thunder dreams of growing up and wants to thunder and cause rain. For now, Grandpa Thunder does not allow him to do this and instructs him only to look for places on Earth where rain is needed.
Foma Zamykalkin reads a book with scary stories at night, but an imp constantly disturbs him. The angry main character decides to get even with the annoying disturber of his peace. But, trying to catch the imp, Foma Zamykalkin constantly disregards the rules of handling electrical appliances, exposing himself to danger. The animation won the Silver Medal at the International Security Film Festival in Czechoslovakia (1972).
It’s boring to play alone, and the “big ones” don’t want to play with you. But, fortunately, then everyone understands that it’s really fun to play with kids.
Once there lived the greed. She looked for kids, with which she could become bigger and more powerful. Greed could not even come close to those who have shared something with friends and fed animals and birds. But when she saw a little boy who does not want to let a girl from the yard play ball, she immediately went to him and began to cleverly feed his unwillingness to part with things. Soon she had moved to live in a separate room...