A few years after a separation, the family of Anne including her two sons Vlad and Victor returned to their father, Anatoly, who fought in France. He tries to take the education of his sons, but the boys, accustomed to complete freedom, strongly oppose this. And then, as luck would appear, a distant relative of Anatolys wife Seva emerge and begins to teach the children good sense for their criminal 'concepts'...
A young boy is experiencing a lot of problems in his life. But he also have one real friend.
The crew of a navy boat rescue a bear cub.
A light and unassuming comedy based on an anecdote: once a bottle of vodka was found in a lathe...
In the first days of the Second World War, a young woman with three children is evacuated from the front-line zone to the Urals. After some time, she receives a funeral for her husband. But she has her little sons with her. The eldest son Kolya becomes a reliable assistant to his mother.
The screen story of four teenagers, on whom the horrors of war had left an indelible mark. Their relatives’ deaths and their yearning for fighting the Nazis led them, one way or another, to a sea cadet school that had been opened on Solovetski Islands at the start of the war. This film tells of men’s friendship, the boys’ first baptism of fire, and the victory…
A film about the Belarusian publisher and educator Francis (Georgy) Skaryna, who lived in the first half of the 16th century, the founder of the first Belarusian printing house in Vilnius and the author of fundamental research in the field of linguistics.
This story is about the events of the beginning of the century, the circus, in which the favorite of the troupe Alesha grew up. After the mother - acrobat Maria-Louise died, his childhood was over. Revolutionary events influenced the fate of a small circus - and the boy was left alone. But when in his life appeared Bolshevik Stepan Ratushny, Alyosha again began to perform in the circus.
О юных выпускниках мореходного училища и их первом выходе в море. О трудном жизненном экзамене на профессиональную и человеческую прочность, который пришлось выдержать как команде траулера «Кайра», потерпевшего бедствие во время шторма, так и коллективу спасателя «Посейдон» под командованием капитана Чигринова, где проходил свою службу герой фильма Славка Чигринов, сумевший во время опасности проявить находчивость, мужество, отвагу.
Five years have passed since Dimka left his hometown and went to the Far North. Returning to his homeland, he realized that he had lost his friends and his beloved, who was about to marry his friend. Dima decided to restore justice and he succeeded.
Eugene returned from the army, and his friend Kostya Sila — from the penal colony. Having met, heroes decided to leave the city: one didn't wait for the beloved girl, another doesn't want to see sympathetic views of former acquaintances. But the meeting with the police major — a talented teacher — changed their intent. All summer heroes devoted to wrest from the influence of the bully the group of boys.
Innocent, a new coach in gymnastics, who arrived in the Siberian town, is a risk to his students to believe in themselves, in senior competitions replaces them strong competitors and get the expected result.
A few kids are kidnapped and transferred to the Magic Kingdom where they must fight the monsters and evil sorcerers.
Ivan's Launch is a drama film set in the Soviet Union. It follows the story of Ivan, a young man who dreams of becoming an astronaut. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, Ivan remains determined to achieve his goal.
A little girl is dreaming about what would happen if her dad would be her age...
The drunkard and his wife become orderlies in a cholera barracks during the outbreak.