In an old castle, the residence of a criminal authority, turned into a torture chamber for «knocking out» money from intractable businessmen, a representative from Moscow is waiting. The purpose of his visit is to pave the way for the territorial redistribution of zones of influence of bandit groups.
About the fight against poaching in the camel-breeding state farm. The young worker Daut returned with his family from the city to his native land. It was difficult at first in the steppe without water, gas, light. Suddenly, the local driver Askerbek came to the rescue, who got the engine to Daut. Now the yurt has become cozy and warm. But soon the newcomer realized that this service was not selfless...
The collection consists of 2 cartoons: "Newlyweds". The story is about young spouses who, in pursuit of external comfort, lose both themselves and their love. "Portrait". The film is about a man who, in order to admire his photograph, destroys the house in which he lives.
About an evil old woman who wanted to take away a magic bat from a boy so that flowers would not bloom in the desert.
The parable of the destiny of man (for adults). Material - candles and matches
About a boy whom the fabulous old man Kanbak-shal introduced to a fascinating and interesting land of fairy tales.
Abdrakhman Begimbetov, a forester from a distant forest area, has lived in the mountains all his life. He cleared the slopes, planted fir trees and apple orchards. His life was not easy: the events of 37, the Great Patriotic War, the birth and death of four children. But despite all the blows of fate, the forester continued to work, hoping that nature, reborn by his hands, eventually resists human evil...
Based on oriental fairy tales.Three masters -a woodcarver, a tailor and a jeweler -performed a miracle: they created a girl from an ordinary log, who came to life from their art.
About a mole who unexpectedly discovered a wonderful world on the surface of the earth.
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