Hanne, Marthe and Julia have the vacation of a lifetime in the coastal village of Porto Sirento. But when a mysterious spell turns the girls into beautiful mermaids, their holiday is turned upside down. The inhabitants see mermaids as monsters, so they have to avoid water at all costs! But that is easier said than done..
Gnome Plop is having a spring cleaning in his mushroom together with his friends Lui, Klus and Kwebbel. While cleaning the chimney, Klus discovers an old treasure map which takes them on a big adventure, far from everything they have ever known..
Karen, Kristel and Josje are going insane, because their three nieces are staying with them for the weekend, but they turned out to be brats without any manners. In the cloud world where the angels live, there is a 'Rascal' department where Chief Angel Manuel makes 'Rascal Angels' of children who behave like brats on earth. The children who become 'Rascal Angels' must be good for 24 hours on earth and are not allowed to violate the Angel Book. If they do make a mistake, they are punished in a very special way. Chief Angel Manuel orders his new, but very clumsy assistant Tuur to pick up the three nieces of K3, but accidentally makes a mistake and takes Karen, Kristel and Josje with him. The start of a magical adventure..
Lui finds a basket with a clown baby inside and starts to take care of the baby as if it's his own. But due to a misunderstanding, he thinks that Plop has something against babies and decides to keep him hidden..
Kristel has booked a luxurious weekend in a beauty farm. That same weekend, Josje and Karen secretly decide to help Bas in his animal hotel. But when their GPSs are accidentally switched, the three girls arrive at the wrong destination. This causes a lot of hilarious and crazy misunderstandings! But when the animal hotel turns out to be in danger, the girls of K3 must join forces to save it..
Twenty years ago, crooks John and Ron were able to hide the diamond they stole in young Gert's football at the Old Castle Inn owned by Marlène's family, just before being arrested. Today, the crooks have escaped and want the loot back. But a contractor has got permission to tear down the ruined inn and build an apartment building on the site, unless it's completely repaired within a week. When Marlène calls him, Gert abandons his planned week of holiday at sea to do the daunting job, helped by the mayor, Van Leemhuyzen and Octaaf. Alberto meanwhile rides through town on his motorbike, trying to get his career launched as a 'flying barber'
One day, gnome Plop receives a letter from his uncle Knap. It states that Uncle Knap is very ill and that he can only heal if he drinks the juice of the Carbuncle root, but that root unfortunately only grows in Plop's forest and there isn't enough time left. Klus decides to build a real airship with which the gnomes can fly to Uncle Knap, but the journey is difficult and not without dangers..
De vier piraten willen Halloween vieren. Berend zal pompoensoep maken! Maar Steven heeft al de pompoenen kapot gesneden. En een Halloweenfeest zonder pompoensoep is geen Halloweenfeest! De piraten besluiten om nieuwe pompoenen te halen op het pompoeneiland. Maar Steven houdt de piraten tegen. Hij toont hen de legende van de pompoenkoning in het grote piratenboek. De legende vertelt dat al wie pompoenen steelt, veranderd wordt in een pompoen door de pompoenkoning, half mens – half pompoen. Stien lacht de legende weg en wil pompoensoep en sleurt de piraten mee naar het pompoeneiland.
Piet Piraat discovers that the handsome pirate captain Marylin has been petrified. With his friends he travels to a tropical island to save her.
Na een woeste storm, belandt de norse Kapitein Eksteroog op een onbewoond eiland. Op dit eiland zoekt hij naar een schat die zijn aartsvijand Zilvertand er ooit heeft begraven. Ook Reus, een gigantische kerel van 2 meter hoog, belandt samen met vijf kinderen en hun hondje Smikkel op hetzelfde eiland. Kapitein Eksteroog en Reus laten de kinderen naar de schat zoeken terwijl zij hun hondje Smikkel gevangen houden. Piet Piraat wil zich een echte piraat voelen dus moet hij een schat vinden. Stien, Berend, Steven en Piet gaan op onderzoek uit naar een eiland wat niet op de kaart staat en belanden zo op het eiland van Kapitein Eksteroog. Ze besluiten de kinderen te helpen en op zoek te gaan naar de schat. Dat wordt het begin van een tocht vol avontuur en gevaar.
The gnomes find an egg and decide to take care of it together. But whose egg is it? That of a bird? A snake? Or a crocodile? No, it's a cute little duckling. Kwebbel takes care of the young, while Klus and Lui look for the mother duck..
Something terrible has happened in the Gnome Forest. While Klus, Lui, Kwebbel and Plop were having a picnic, a girl took Lui's cuddly toy away. Lui has trouble sleeping, so the Gnomes have to travel to the human's house to retrieve it..
Piet's crew is hired by aunt Cleo to return an Egyptian mummy home from a museum. Berend discovers the sarcophagus is empty and can't resist disguising himself as a mummy to frighten his crew-mates into allowing him to feast on the food supplies. However he's found out and locked up in the galley, then finds the real mummy also in there, which has worse intentions.