Syrup is a satirical comedy that follows the rise and fall of Scat, a talented marketing executive. Scat comes up with a groundbreaking idea for a new soda brand, but soon finds himself entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation as he tries to bring his idea to fruition. With satire and humor, Syrup explores the cutthroat world of advertising and the quest for success.
When a financial analyst discovers a deadly algorithm that could crash the stock market, he becomes the target of a dangerous conspiracy. With the FBI closing in, he must navigate a world of greed, betrayal, and double-cross to expose the truth and save his own life.
Gordon Rogers attempts to save an unraveling secret mission that threatens to reveal an unthinkable conspiracy.
In this comedic one-man show, John Leguizamo explores the rich and complex history of Latin American culture, shedding light on the overlooked contributions of Latinx figures throughout history. Through hilarious storytelling and captivating performances, Leguizamo educates and entertains audiences with his unique perspective on Latin history.
In the summer of 1963, two teenagers from different backgrounds form a special bond and discover themselves through their experiences.
A man who was wrongfully convicted for a crime seeks justice and redemption with the help of a determined lawyer.
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