Boy Meets World follows the life of Cory Matthews, a teenage boy navigating through middle school, high school, and college while learning valuable life lessons with the help of his best friend Shawn and his wise mentor Mr. Feeny.
Col. Nelson is on a long-term, top-secret space mission. Jeannie cannot bring him home (temporarily) to hear their son's important academic presentation without knowing exactly where he is in the first place. The general in charge of the mission won't reveal anything. Things are further complicated when Jeannie's sister (Jeannie II) reminds Sham-Ir, the head of the genies, that a genie on Earth cannot go more than 3 months without an earthly master. (Col. Nelson is no longer Earthly, being in space.) Sham-Ir give Jeannie I a fortnight (14 days) to either find Col. Nelson or get a new master, a single male. (Col. Healy can't help, since he's now married.)
Rocky Mountain Christmas is a heartwarming holiday movie set in the countryside. The story revolves around a singer who returns to her small hometown and reunites with her family during Christmas. Along the way, she discovers the true meaning of love, friendship, and the joy of music.
A 1978 special starring Mary Tyler Moore, Harvey Korman, and John Ritter. Dick Van Dyke guest stars.
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