In a bustling little coast town a blustering man, who poses as a sea captain, and a trig U.S. Revenue officer, are in love with the same girl.
John Morton, a rising young businessman, comes under the fascinating spell of Vera Violetta, a burlesque actress, and lavishes costly gifts upon her.
Obscured by modesty and the ethics of the old school, old Doctor Jones, a master of his profession, pursues his practice in the village of Condon. A shunner of publicity and fame, his wife's work is wrapped up in promoting the welfare of his fellow-beings.
Tisdale and his lovely young wife are about to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary. Tisdale discovers his wife passionately kissing a love letter and upon obtaining possession of it, reads: "Ten o'clock at the old elm," and signed, "Your lover."
Two English crooks, Lionel Verker and his sister, Marie, come to America, where at a seaside resort Lionel makes a heroic rescue by saving Bob Kent, the son of a millionaire, from drowning. He is introduced to the Kent family. Learning that there is a position of lady's maid open in the house, he wires his sister to come at once. With the aid of false references she obtains the position. At a lawn fete Muriel, the daughter of the millionaire, wears a lot of jewelry. Lionel notices this and after a dance with him she misses one of her diamonds.
Larry Moore is a young amateur actor and lives at the same boarding house with Adele Lawrence, a rising young star, who has just secured the leading part in a play called "The Love Behind the Throne." Moore has been unsuccessful in his attempts to get a place and Adele sympathizes with him deeply.
Mrs. Force, a social parasite, with a beautiful daughter, is so closely pressed by her creditors, that she uses her beautiful child as an asset, urging her to accept the offer of the hand of an aged banker, Black, old enough to be her grandfather.
His beloved wife having died, Mark Boland sells his furniture and seeks to forget his sorrow in dissipation. He comes in contact with David Yarnall, a man who has been discharged from the employ of Jim Driscoll, a prosperous Quaker, for his dissolute habits. Yarnall persuades Boland to help him rob the home of Driscoll.
To gain access to a moonshiner, a detective marries the moonshiner's sister. He abandons her after the arrest is made but his conscience haunts him.
Goldie, the bright young daughter of Farmer Meadows, is engaged to marry Harold Montaine, a romantic young farm hand. Along comes Jim Bludsoe, a regular villain, whose polish and citified manners impress Goldie so that she is induced to elope with him.
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