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Movies like Weathering Railroad Models with Malcolm Furlow (1985)

Weathering Railroad Models with Malcolm Furlow (1985)

United States54Min

Amtrak takes MR's Allen Keller to the Dallas Union Station in search of Malcolm. The Denver & Rio Chama Western is Malcolm's dream come true. Distressing, scraping, sanding, painting, and staining make wood look old and weatherd. Malcolm makes plastic into a wood look-alike. "Dirt Dipping" is just one of his secrets for transforming styrene into metal. Acid take some of the metal away, but leaves the paint. Malcolm busts up the masonry with a hammer after he stains and paints it. Malcolm lavishes his skills on a plastic structure kit. The result is a display of combined techniques. Pastel chalks, airbrushing, and "Dirt Dipping" make cars look realistic. Thee romance of the steam locomotive and an old-timer capture Malcolm and his attention. Out of the box the engine needs help. Malcolm adds his artistry with chalks, hand brush, and airbrush. Malcolm and Allen have fun operating trains through the beautiful scenery of the San Juan Central.

Weathering Railroad Models with Malcolm Furlow
Tv Show

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