X2000 is a dark comedy that revolves around the lives of identical twin brothers who find themselves in various awkward and bizarre situations on New Year's Day in the year 2000. It explores themes of voyeurism, identity, and sexuality.
In Little Death, a grieving photographer navigates complex relationships and personal revelations following the death of his father.
In the summer of 1994, a group of friends gathers for a party and decides to play a game of truth or dare. Little do they know, the innocent game will turn their lives upside down as secrets are revealed and dares become deadly. As the night progresses, they must confront the dark truth behind the game and try to survive the twisted dares that are thrown their way.
In the 1990s, a series of intimate and provocative scenes featuring various couples and individuals unfold, exploring themes of desire, intimacy, and the complexities of human connection.