In Windstorm 2, a teenage girl named Mika forms a strong bond with a wild stallion named Windstorm. Together, they embark on a series of adventures and face challenges such as competition, theft, and the recovery of an injured horse. Mika also deals with various relationships, including her relationship with her grandparents, her father-figure, and her boyfriend. The movie explores themes of family, love, and the special bond between humans and animals.
Due to the sudden outbreak of a hurricane, a traveling circus, famous for its stunning numbers with horses, calls into the small German estate of Kaltenbach. Soon, Ari realizes that one of the horses of this circus, named Orcan, is in mortal danger. Together with the boy Carlo and their faithful friend, the horse Ostwind, they try to save Orkan from the cruel owner of a traveling circus. However, the shrewd director unravels their audacious plan. And Ostwind's horse is also in trouble. Ari and Carlo have very little time to rectify the situation and save Ostwind.
In the film Windstorm, a teenage girl named Mika forms a strong connection with a wild stallion named Windstorm. Together, they overcome various obstacles and develop an unbreakable bond. As Mika learns to ride and communicate with Windstorm, they discover their true potential and embark on exciting adventures. Set against the backdrop of a horse farm, this heartwarming tale is filled with drama, adventure, and family dynamics.
Grandmother Maria, Sam and the riding instructor Kaan are trying together to keep Gut Kaltenbach running, which is in financial difficulties. The ambitious Isabell supports her, although she secretly pursues her own goals. The impulsive Ari comes to riding training in Kaltenbach, where she develops a special relationship with Windstorm, the eponymous horse of the film series, and she also makes friends with Mika. Mika and Ari try to save the estate and protect Windstorm from reckless horse trainer Thordur Thorvaldson.
In Windstorm 3, a teenage German girl named Mika moves to the Andalucia region in Spain with her dad. There, she forms a bond with a wild horse named Windstorm and discovers the oasis of freedom. Mika and Windstorm participate in a horse-racing competition, facing challenges along the way.