In 'The Wrong Trousers,' a penguin named Feathers McGraw befriends an inventor named Wallace, but soon reveals his true intentions of stealing a valuable diamond. As Wallace's loyal dog Gromit tries to save the day, a hilarious and thrilling chase ensues, full of slapstick comedy and surreal moments. Can Wallace and Gromit overcome betrayal and rivalry to catch the cunning penguin?
Wallace and his dog Gromit become involved in a sheep rustling scheme in which Wallace is framed and wrongfully imprisoned. They must outsmart an evil robot dog and save the sheep.
Wallace and Gromit go on a vacation to the moon, where they encounter a robot, a dog, and a cheese-loving rat. They use their inventive skills to build a rocket and explore the lunar landscape. The stop-motion animation, surrealism, and quirky comedy make this a classic British animation.
When a series of murders rock their small town, a baker named Wallace and his loyal dog Gromit team up to catch the culprit. As they dig deeper into the case, they uncover a sinister plot involving a female serial killer and a claymation museum exhibit. With their baking skills and detective instincts, Wallace and Gromit must solve the mystery before more innocent lives are lost.