After being released from prison, Gordon Gekko teams up with his future son-in-law, Jake, to take down a Wall Street enemy and rebuild his empire. As they navigate the financial collapse and personal challenges, they discover the true cost of greed and the importance of family.
Bud Fox, a junior stockbroker, is desperate to get to the top. He pitches stocks to his hero, Gordon Gekko, and provides inside information about Bluestar. Gekko becomes Bud's client and takes him under his wing, compelling him to obtain new information by any means necessary. Bud becomes wealthy but begins to realize the consequences of his actions. He decides to disrupt Gekko's plans and is ultimately arrested for insider trading. Bud wears a wire to record his confrontation with Gekko and turns the tapes over to the authorities. He goes to court, knowing he did the right thing.