Vengeance is a slasher horror movie set in Wessex County, New Jersey. It follows the story of a serial killer known as Jason Voorhees and his vengeful rampage. The movie is filled with gore, multiple murders, and takes place in iconic locations like Crystal Lake. It also features fan-favorite characters like Mrs. Pamela Voorhees and Elias Voorhees. The plot includes intense chase scenes, shocking twists, and a female-female kiss. Vengeance pays homage to the Friday the 13th horror franchise while adding its own unique twists and turns.
In Vengeance 2: Bloodlines (2022), Elias Voorhees (C.J. Graham) is determined to eliminate the Jarvis family once and for all by manipulating his undead son Jason Voorhees (Jason Brooks). Prepare for a bone-chilling battle as the horror unfolds with suspense, gore, and classic slasher elements.