Tokyo Revengers follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a high school student who discovers that he has the ability to time travel. He uses this power to go back in time and prevent the death of his girlfriend and save his friends from a heinous gang known as the Tokyo Manji Gang. Through his journey, Takemichi learns about loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of his actions.
The long-awaited sequel to "Tokyo Revengers" will be released in two parts, before and after the film. Once again, Hinata is killed in front of Takemichi's very eyes by the now-militarized Tokyo Manjikai.
Hinata is murdered again by the Tokyo Manjikai Gang in front of Takemichi. In order to save Hinata, Takemichi travels 10 years back in time again. Takemichi has to change a key case that can save Hinata. The key case involves a sad incident that occurred to 6 men, who later formed the Tokyo Manjikai Gang.